BANK organization przybysz, 03 banking & finance

A BANK- form, activities, management and organizational structures

on the basis of Bank PKO S.A., Fortis Bank and Rabobank and others.

A BANK - institution that provides financial service, particularly taking deposits and extending credit.


The Bank operates:


The name of the company shall be: "Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna".
The Bank shall use the abbreviated name: "Bank Pekao SA"

The Bank shall have its registered seat in... .

The Bank shall operate within the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad.
The Bank may own, establish and liquidate branches and other organizational units in the country and abroad.


1) Accepting cash as demand deposits or term deposits and keeping deposit accounts,   Przyjmowanie wkładów pieniężnych płatnych na żądanie lub z nadejściem oznaczonego terminu oraz prowadzenie rachunków tych wkładów,

2) Keeping other bank accounts,  

Prowadzenie innych rachunków bankowych,

3) Granting credits and loans,  

Udzielanie kredytów i pożyczek pieniężnych,

4) Performing financial settlements in all forms accepted in domestic and international bank relations,  

Przeprowadzanie rozliczeń pieniężnych we wszystkich formach przyjętych w krajowych i międzynarodowych stosunkach bankowych,

5) Performing banking operations regarding bills of exchange and cheques,  

Wykonywanie operacji wekslowych i czekowych,

6) Accepting and making deposits in domestic and foreign banks,  

Przyjmowanie i dokonywanie lokat w bankach krajowych i zagranicznych,

7) Giving and confirming sureties and bank guarantees and opening and confirming letters of credit,

Udzielanie i potwierdzanie poręczeń i gwarancji bankowych oraz otwieranie i potwierdzanie akredytyw,

8) Conducting purchase and sale of foreign exchange values,  

Prowadzenie skupu i sprzedaży wartości dewizowych,

9) Servicing state loans and managing funds on order,  

Prowadzenie obsługi pożyczek państwowych i zarządzanie funduszami na zlecenie,

10) Issuing banking securities, trading in such securities and keeping securities accounts,

Emitowanie bankowych papierów wartościowych i dokonywanie obrotu tymi papierami oraz prowadzenie kont depozytowych papierów wartościowych,

11) Performing ordered activities related with the issue of securities,  

Dokonywanie czynności zleconych związanych z emisją oraz obsługą finansową papierów wartościowych,

12) Safe-keeping of objects, documents and securities, and making available safe deposit boxes,  

Przechowywanie przedmiotów, dokumentów i papierów wartościowych oraz udostępnianie skrytek sejfowych.

13) Organizing and participating in bank syndicates,  

Organizowanie i uczestniczenie w konsorcjach bankowych,

14) Trading and agency in financial debts,

Dokonywanie obrotu i pośrednictwo w obrocie wierzytelnościami pieniężnymi,

15) Performing term financial operations,  

Wykonywanie terminowych operacji finansowych,

16) Providing trustee services,  

Wykonywanie czynności powierniczych,

17) Issuing payment cards and performing operations with the use of such cards,  

Wydawanie kart płatniczych oraz wykonywanie operacji przy ich użyciu,

18) Keeping housing savings,  

Prowadzenie kasy mieszkaniowej,

19) Providing consulting and advisory services in financial matters,  

Świadczenie usług konsultacyjno-doradczych w sprawach finansowych,

20) Acquiring or purchasing shares and rights arising from shares of stock of another legal entity other than a bank, or investment in investment funds,  

Obejmowanie lub nabywanie akcji i praw z akcji, udziałów innej osoby prawnej nie będącej bankiem lub jednostek uczestnictwa funduszy inwestycyjnych,

21) Taking up obligations relating to issuance of securities,  

Zaciąganie zobowiązań związanych z emisją papierów wartościowych,

22) Trading and agency in securities,  

Dokonywanie obrotu i pośrednictwo w obrocie papierami wartościowymi,

23) Carrying out conversion of debt into the debtor's property components, on terms and conditions agreed with the debtor,  

Dokonywanie na warunkach uzgodnionych z dłużnikiem zamiany wierzytelności na składniki majątku dłużnika

24) Purchasing and selling real estate,  

Nabywanie i zbywanie nieruchomości,

25) Dealing in derivative instruments on own account and on order,  

Dokonywanie obrotu instrumentami pochodnymi na rachunek własny i na zlecenie,

26) Conducting acquisition activities pursuant to regulations of the act on organization and operation of pension funds,

Prowadzenie działalności akwizycyjnej na podstawie przepisów ustawy o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych,

27) Organizing and rendering financial services in leasing and factoring,  

Organizowanie i świadczenie usług finansowych w zakresie leasingu i faktoringu,

28) Agency sale of participation units or certificates of investments in the understanding of the law on investment funds,  

Pośrednictwo w zbywaniu jednostek uczestnictwa lub certyfikatów inwestycyjnych w rozumieniu ustawy o funduszach inwestycyjnych,

29) Performing activities in insurance brokerage,

Wykonywanie czynności z zakresu pośrednictwa ubezpieczeniowego,

30) Rendering services in transportation of valuables,  

Świadczenie usług w zakresie transportu wartości,

31) Running the securities accounts,

Prowadzenie rachunków papierów wartościowych,

32) Performance of the function of a depository pursuant to provisions of the act on organization and operation of pension funds and the act on investment funds,

Wykonywanie funkcji depozytariusza na podstawie przepisów ustawy o organizacji i funkcjonowaniu funduszy emerytalnych i ustawy o funduszach inwestycyjnych,

33) Acting as an intermediary in carrying out money transfers and settlements in foreign exchange payments,

Pośrednictwo w dokonywaniu przekazów pieniężnych oraz rozliczeń w obrocie dewizowym,

34) Issuing the instrument of electronic money,

Wydawanie instrumentu pieniądza elektronicznego,

35) Conducting vindication activity by order of banks,

Prowadzenie działalności windykacyjnej na zlecenie banków

36) Conducting brokerage activity,

Prowadzenie działalności maklerskiej,

37) Performing upon demand of other banks and credit institutions specified activities belonging to their scope of activity. Wykonywanie na zlecenie innych banków i instytucji kredytowych określonych czynności należących do zakresu ich działalności.


The Bodies of the Bank are:
1) General Meeting of Shareholders,  
2) Supervisory Board,  
3) Management Board of the Bank (Board of Executives).  

Ad. 1) The General Meeting of Shareholders GSM

a) The Ordinary GSM - convened by the Management Board of the Bank or Supervisory Board

b) The GSM competences:

Ad. 2) The Supervisory Board

a) The Supervisory Board - 7-9 members (who perform duties only in person) appointed by the GSM for the period of 3 years.

b) The Supervisory Board shall elect its Chairman, two Deputy Chairmen and Secretary from among its members. The Deputy Chairman may perform the function of the Secretary.

c) The duties of the Supervisory Board include:

d) The competences of the Supervisory Board:

Ad. 3) The Management Board of the Bank

a) The Management Board - 5-9 members with:

  1. President of the Management Board of the Bank,

  2. Deputy Presidents of the Management Board of the Bank,

  3. Members of the Management Board of the Bank.

b) The competencies of the President of the Management Board:

- management of the work of the Management Board,

- managing Bank's functions responsible for internal audit,

- monitoring of internal regulations and external laws

- acting as Chairman of the Risk and Asset and Liabilities Management Committee

(Komitet Zarządzania Aktywami i Pasywami i Kontroli Ryzyka).

c) The MB member with the approval of the Banking Supervision Commission competences:

- conducting pecuniary settlements (rozliczenia finansowe), Security policy and other programs


1. The Internal Control System of the Bank shall include all regulations, procedures and organizational structures which - acting together - aim to ensure:

1) compliance with the strategy of the Bank,
2) effectiveness and efficiency of procedures,
3) protection of assets,
4) prevention of losses and errors,
5) security, stability and effectiveness of operations,
6) reliability and completeness of accounting and management information,
7) compliance of transactions with generally binding provisions of law, supervisory rules and internal policies, plans, regulations and procedures, and
8) support of the decision-making process.

2. The Internal Control System consists of the following types of control:

1) Line Control,
2) Risk Management Control, and
3) Internal Audit.


The basic organizational structure of the Bank is made up of:

A) Head Office (Centrala Banku)

B)operating units for servicing Bank customers

AD. A).The following units operate within the Head Office:

1) Departments (offices) - Departamenty

- organizational units (administrative), separated organizationally and functionally, founded to perform determined continuous functions, managed by department (office) director,

2) Groups - Zespoły - units separated organizationally and functionally founded to perform tasks within a narrower scope than the scope of tasks to be performed by a department, functioning within a department or independent ones, with a manager

3) Committees - Komitety - units separated organizationally and functionally of advisory, consultative or decision-making character,

AD. B).Operating units, designated to service customers include:

1)Branches and sub-branches,

2)business centers designed to service selected customer segments.


Internal Audit Department

A bank's internal audit department shall be responsible for:

- the internal audit system, under which it shall audit the business and administrative departments,

- periodically evaluation of the effectiveness of each business department's self-audits.

Human Resources and Training Department

- facilitates and enhances the Bank's ability to recruit, develop, reward and retain a diverse team of employees that are prepared and motivated to accomplish the goals of the Bank,

- foresees and ensures the adequacy and development of the human resources needed for the Bank's operation.

Treasury Department

- responsible for all corporate and municipal cash management services + Letters of Credit - LC or L/C(akredytywy), Documentary Collections and Foreign Exchange services.

Credit Risk Department

- assess the financial health of the customers, and extend their credit; they may use in house programs to advise on avoiding, reducing and transferring risk.

Finance and Control Department

- provides strategic information for the organization such as profitability of the business lines, products and customers.

- manages the annual business plan and budget process for the corporation.

- manages the accounting and financial system of the Bank,

- ensure the internal accounting control.

Administration Department

- responsible for technical and administrative activities, organizing and coordinating the work of the head office; document control and processing; providing secretariat services;

- managing archives; receiving public complaints; ensuring the confidentiality of relevant work and documents.

Information Services Department

- serves as the Bank's public relations consultant, publisher, advertising agent and news agency.

- provides the link between the administration and the media

- enhances public understanding of bank policies, decisions and activities.

Risk Department

Other departments:

Business Development Department

Small Enterprise Department

Personal Banking Department

Credit Administration Department

Intensive Care and Recovery Department


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