12.Nauka i technika, 12.Nauka i technika

12 Nauka i technika

Ćwiczenie 1.

Zastanów się, jak poniższe wynalazki ułatwiły nasze życie i jak ludzie radzili sobie bez nich.

aerosol can computer money

blue jeans cosmetics television

canned food eyeglasses world wide web

Przykład: Nowadays people can keep canned food, for example meat, for a long time and it doesn't go off. Before it had to be served quickly or it was wasted.

Ćwiczenie 2.

Dopasuj przedmioty codziennego użytku do ich podstawowej funkcji. Następnie powiedz, do jakich celów są one używane.

scissors iron razor screwdriver

credit card lipstick safety pin staples

fax machine oven corkscrew umbrella

hammer photocopier

1. - colour the lips

2. -cookfood

  1. - cut paper or fabric

  2. - fasten fabric

  3. - make multiple copies of documents

  1. - open a bottle of wine

  2. - pay for goods without money

  3. - iron clothes so that they are neat and tidy

  4. - protect you when it's raining

  1. - put nails in walls

  2. - attach sheets of paper together

  3. - send copies of documents quickly in electronic form

  1. - shave facial hair

  2. - turn screws to fasten or open something

Przykład: Scissors are used for cutting paper or fabric.

Ćwiczenie 3.

Przyjrzyj się poniższej liście i odpowiedz na pytania.

Answer phone camcorder camera CD player chewing gum

dishwasher DVD player egg timer electric kettle microwave oven

mobile phone


the Internet

vacuum cleaner

video cassette recorder (VCR)

  1. Which of the above are present in your life?

  2. How often do you use them?

  3. Which of the above are home appliances, and which ones are gadgets?

  4. Which inventions do you need every day? In what way do they make people's lives easier?

Ćwiczenie 4.

Przyporządkuj odkrycia i wynalazki z listy do odpowiednich kategorii. Następnie odpowiedz na pytania zamieszczone pod tabelą.

absolute zero DNA light bulb

aqualung electronic mail microscope

assembly line escalator oxygen

the atoms genes paper clip

bacteria gunpowder radioactivity

ballpoint pen human anatomy the law of gravity

mobile/cellular phone the ice age typewriter

contact lenses jet engine X-rays

dinosaurs the solar system and the universe

0x01 graphic

  1. What other important scientific discoveries do you know? Which of them have been made in chemistry, physics, astronomy, history, geography or biology?

  2. Which of the inventions in the table date back to the 19th century or earlier? Which are more recent?

  3. What other inventions do you know? When were they made?

  4. Which discoveries and inventions are important for our everyday life?

  5. Can you think of discoveries which contributed to some of the inventions? How were they helpful in creating those inventions?

Ćwiczenie 5.

Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami.

indicator troubleshooting press power adapter

insert plug safety instructions switch

instruction manual screen

  1. To start the equipment, just briefly the on/off button.

  2. No wonder the vacuum cleaner doesn't work - you've forgotten to it in.

  3. Remember to off the player before unplugging it.

  4. If case of any problems with the equipment, a guide

may be helpful.

5. Suddenly the __ of my computer went black. And I lost all the

documents from the hard disc.

6. When you buy a new electrical appliance, it's only natural to open

the and read carefully what to do to start and operate it.

7. The producer of my CD player gives some

about not listening to music at a very high volume so as not to damage my hearing.

  1. All you do is the batteries in the way indicated into the com­partment and you can use the device.

  2. I couldn't use my mobile phone during the trip. I forgot to take the

with me.

10. The power level is flashing, which means that the

batteries are flat.


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