| P osithr e/ne gati ve electr icity | E lectr oma gn. eon ni Maxwel I eq u ati ons Jfrank li n 1747 IÓ rsted 1319 |Maxwel 11364
I Kitę expe ri me nt 11 nd u ctio n law I El ectr o lytic d es os iatio n
| Frank lin 1752 ^Faraday 1331 jArrhenius 1834
| Electrostatic for ce I Kirch h off laws IN e r nst eq uatio n
ICoulomb 1735 ^Kirchhoff 1347 jNernst 1339
IR es Eta n cel R eci p ro city the o r em |0 hm 1326|H elmholtz 1353
iGabor-Nelson theorem. 1954 lembrane model iHodgkin, Huxley 1952 | Lead vector
iBurger, van Milaan 1946 I Lead field theory I McFee, Johnston 1953
Electric machinę Hauksbee 1705
I Electrostatic generator Ramsden1763
First electric machinę ILeyden jar, Klest 17451Voltaic pile 11nduction coil
|vMusschenbroek1746|Volta 1300 J Faraday 1331
II Galvanometer |Schweigger1321 Astatic galvanometer Mobili 1325
von Guericke 1672
Electroscope Gilbert 1600
| Str in g g alva no- | Mi ero e le ctro d e jmeter.Ader 1397 ^Granit 1939 | Vac uu m tub e | Tr ans istor I de Forest 1906].Bardeen. Brattain 1947
| Capi Mary electro mtr.| C ath o de ray tu be | S Q UID | Lip pman 1373 U oh ns on 1921 IZ imm er ma n 1970
Frog bimetallicstimul3tion? I Swa mme rd3 m 1664
I Frog electricstimul3tion|lnduction coil stimulat. Iń/iimal cardiac defibr] Humań cardiac defibrillation J G al va ni 1731 Jdu 8 ois- Reyiro nd 1343 ]Prevost. Batte Ili 1399J Be ck 1947
Firstwrittendocument in BioeIectromagnetism: H u ma n stim ul ati on w ith e lectr ic she atfis h Egyptianhieroglyph4D00 B.C.
Frog bi metal lic stim ulati on Ga lva ni 1736
An ima I ca rd ia c pa cin g Stein er 1371
|Hum3n electricstimul Jallabert 1747
Humań stimulation with torpedofish Scribonius L3rgu> 43
H u ma n volta ic stim ul ati on Aldini 1303
Humań cardiorespiratory] resuscitation. Green 13721
I Humań cardiac pacing Ziemssen 1332
Diathermy dArsonval 1393
| Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 n Mich a el Faraday 1791-1867 |
Ma gn etop h os p h en es .d’Arsonval 1396
IPacemaker implantation ElmqvEt, Senning 1953 Magnetic motor cortex stimulation Barker 1935
| Luigi Galyani 1737-1793|
| Jacgues tfArsonyal 1351-1940 |
Frog nerve impulse] du Bois-Reymond1342|
N erve impulse realtime| Frog magnetic nerve|
Frog muscle impulse Matteucci 1333 -
Erlanger, Gasser 1922|
|Animal EEG | Humań EEG |MEG
|Caton1875 |Berger1924 |.Cohen1963
HumanECG| |Clinical ECG |MCG. Baule.
Wal le r 1337j |Einthoven 190 3.1913 [ McF ee 1963
W il lia ms 1914J. Ma Imkruo 1975^
Mechanism of color |
VEion. Granit 1937^
Single ion channel. Neher, Sakmann 1976