The pranks that Tom and Jeny play on each other are great, harmless firn. I've incorporated the slapstick humourthat has madę them the most popular cartoon duo ever.
1 51 (3 pmt) bowt-shaped cake ar>d 18cm (/m) round cake (sco pil)
30cm (12in) $quare cake board
470g (15oz) modellirtg pastę Binek, brown. orange. yełlow. green. pink and red food colouring pastes
leing (confectioner‘s) sugar m a sugar shaker Sugar gluo
1.7kg (3'Alb) sugarpastc (rcllcd fondant)
•ttOg (14oz/1 V. cups> bottereream
Largo rotfmg pin Sharp knife Smali gluo brush 30cm (12m) ruter Terr.plates (see p94) Cocktail stteks (toolhp*cks) Firm bnstlo pamtbrush 8cm (3in) circle cutter Bali or bonę tool
A (ow p>eces of foam spongo 20-25cm (8-10in) food safe <3o.vetlmg
Star eutter
IColour 100g (3'toz) of the modelimg pastę black. Put aside 22g (V-oz) ttien thinly roli out the remainder and cover the centre of the cake board cniy. using sugar glue to secure.
To prevent the covering sticking. dust the black area with icmg (confectioner‘s) sugar. Roli out 5C0g (llb) of the white sugarpaste (relied fendant) and cover the cake board completely. trimming the excess from around the edges. Usmg a ruler. mark three even Imes across the board to indem floorboards and also mark vertical Imes for the board joms. Use the template (see p 94) to out out the centre and remove the white sugarpaste. reveaimg the black that is beneaih it.
to revcaI tha black undernoath.
Mark lines across the cake board fer wocd gram and create a ragged edge m the centre.
Then mark nails at the joms using a cocktail sbek (toothpick). Dilute brown and orange food colouring pastes toaether with water until the mixture becomes translucent Using the firm paintboish. palnt a thm coat of this colour over the floorboards in the direction of the wood grain. The colour will initialiy seep mto the marked lines to highhght the wood gram effect and resist the top surface. Leave this to dry for 10 minutes before pamting over it agam and then put the board asrde to dry
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