Considor the fabric. whether it is finc or heavy. plam or palterned.
Decide how densc the gathcrs should be. Estimato the fabric width and length for the ruched area.
Constder if the ruching nccds to bc supported beforc insertion.
Oecidc how it is to be sewn into the garment.
Ruching or quii mg is the term given to gathenng fabric tato smali, cylrdrical folds resomblmg reeds or qcilis. The ruched areas aro controilec by seams In narrow panets, the folds remain corsistently spaced and closely packed, but a centro front panel whicn spans the bu$t curve forces the gathers apart. slightty flattenmg them. Vi$ualliy. ruch mg has the effect of mcreasing the size of the wearer and is flattering to the most slendor figures
Estimatmg fabne quantitiOS for ruching Cohcealment of fabne joms within ruched areas Modoilmg over a prepared foundauon