In thifi sflction, wr introriur.fi thfi basie tfiehniqufis usfiri in making beari jewelry. Though they may at first seem a bit complfix. mastfiring thpm will make your work casier and morę enjoyable. With just these technigues,
you can make almost any type ot jewelry. We also describe the tools and findings you will be using.
This is ths most b=s*r. weaving femninis As you string taads. ycu form ntsreacticns in them wth nylon thr&ad.
Ycu can acply tfts t«chnlqu« to nake rrest types of jewefry.
Stiimj en center nr nylnnrirfui Ute pirtc tinart a at the center, and tre blue nfl3ds are on sitker '•de d it.
Strlr-g a new tesc =rtd form a left-righl intersection by passirg thg othe* end of nylon llircud Ihiough >1. thifc«.l :.;l •w'<) <jxlcnd (toin hnlh seler; nl 'In- new li-.nl
Arfd a r-.m m ear.li rrt fcead cird? Ihlue nearts i Photo).
Closing the circle
Puli thread to ctdse circle.
Weaving the nexl row
Al ad nr insi ic* form 3n irtersedion in » bead m n» directon in etikh you win Ot
woddrg (upes-di.
Plulur.laiws.n senes n1 «ft« figurę eights.
Strug bsads on second rew « snown <n ptioto«
Add a new bead ind form an itcracctdn in it. You
now haw twu cj»det>, lesemtiiiiłjahuiiieciuh! IJcnlinue weavinq, repe.iting Ihts patiem
Ccrtlnu* m«1nj In the aarra wsy. pickira up brads from lirsl row
Nylon thread. wire
Thase aro us&d to string beads. Nylon tnread s tlexible a-c strong, Nylcn-coated or stBlni53s-3teei wlre la test tor pieces thni require rrere ńgidity fneckaces for ir*s tance).
♦Si/‘.-o usad for tha projccta in th>3 tcck> Nyt<xi Ihriiiiil .łl K *?
Nyfon-ooalnrł wite. O ?4-0 tlfiimi Stamlfisfi-steel wirn n.2-0.3mm
Flat-nose pliers. round-nose pliers. wire-cutters
Thase tools ara used when you work wm w'r®. headpns Cr eyecins. an3 firdngs. rtawsose plle'S ($"o<vn at ri;h! n three style*} a-e u$eo to eo-rpress crimd beads. bead tpa and cartor3ted pin cr earhng beckg Roond-noos plie-s ibottom lęftl e/e used lo round tb? enste of Hoadcirts cr fJYcpns W*o cutlco (lop IcFt} aro ut-od tc
i jiI IcuKlfiiiK rsrnl irynfaiK, ;nr! wrn