le K.O misa ii oompletely. JKD ie n-jtside of all particular sLructures and. disrinct otyłeś,

r • _ 5*

' :l Ls nes-er h metko d o: classified but a m.ean of '.Giel ftel: e^presslor. 'ihere is oever a series of i-ulcs, techniqueE, law*, pr inni pl es, eoL. that cor.etLfjloa a system of fighting, for JKD is a process bat not a goal, a constant movemer.t rat hot- thar, an establisked ft>red paltem, a ma ar to loe stirs, bu i :l*:vłt an end. ybr.y po ople mitenkę JKLJ aa a eorr.posite style or being neutral er Simply ir.difiereucc„ This i a rot IruC, for :.t is b-mh at onee riiliisn and "no: ikisl:. JKI> is neitber ouposed zo ety.esrtor ucz oppo.-sb to tbciii, To understand. one mus" transcend tka duality of 'for' and 'agoiost' into ono organie whole. A go od JKD man rests in di r o ot intuńticn.

The finał aim of J K"0 is Loward personal Uheratior,, Tbe insLriictions wimply point tka way to indivióual freedom and maturity. ńleohanical effi ciency or manipulatory sitii.1 i* nevHr aa import ant as the inward awarer.ees gainod. Hemember Lke fact tbat a

Y    .    ,

nxmtxt martiał ari man is not merejy a p.^stcai exponer.t 01 same prowess re may "f.v3 be en gifted with iut in the first płaco, As he maturea, he wili realiao that bis kick is }

. i w* 'i

li rJ-^- ilr' ^

rcally not so mucń a tooż Lo co;iquer kia o oponent, buf a tool to expiodet k tbroagb ego, kia a.-tgcr, cct„ AiJ the Lraining is to ron.nd nim itp to bo a complem man,^.-'_.

, ^ ^1 - y^J- fj Tjl^,

Truth • a a pathloss road, It is total expresaior. that bas no 'hefore- or ''. birnitafiy,

JKD is not an organized ir.stitution ..kat one can be a member of. Tither yon u noc:-stanc or you don'i, and tbat is that* I never believe in larga argar.ization with ile dorncsiic ar.d forign branchee, Łiiiliaticrs, honorary men-.ners, ect. '-'o rtapń tke ciłss, seme sort of a eystein is requireci. As a result, ńji-' membery aro conaitioncd accord-.r.g to that system. I believe ifi teocbir.g just a few aa ii -roguires a oonstant nl.ert observntion oit oaoh individ'aal in order to establisJ: a riirect roiationsbip. A good teac;ńox- eanr.ot be ' fijted in ł rontine. and many are ;u£i that. During tcaching, each rr.oirient reąniren a ser.sitiye mind that Ls constar.tly ihar.ging &nd consfantly adapting. 'i'ba teacaer never imnowe his student to fiu a Life less paltem, a pro-form aii on, Tbus unbke ino


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