• http: aramaicnesstestament.org - Interlinear of thc original Aramaic New Testament. The first HTML Estrangela te\t of the Peshitta New Testament online
• http://aramaicneivtestanient.com
• http:.'.'arama icneivtestament.com
• http://peshitta.info - English -Aramaic interlinear of the Syriac Ness Testament
• http:.'/www.peshitta.org - Interlinear of the original Aramaic / Syriac text of the New Testament Peshitta by Paul Younan.
• http://www.ultimasurf.nct'hihle.'peshitta/iamcs niurdock/ - English translation of Peshito by James Murdoch
• http: www.peshitta.net. peshitta index.php - This is based on the Aramaic Peshitta and is a continuing project of the Nasrani Bibie Society
• http://nww.syiiac-iesouices.com - The Syriac Bibie software is designed to enable its user to search in the Syriac Bibie (Peshitta). It shows the results with apostle narne and verse number. Syriac Dictionary and Arabie translation of Peshitta
• http:/.'iixiw.ultimasurt'.net/hihle/aramaic/ & http://www.ultimasm1.net/bible/peshitta/- Interlinear of the Aramaic New Testament with English translation & commentary. Currently asailahlc the Gospel of Matthess, Marle, & John.
• http: //prcckneivtestamcnt.net - Greek New Testament
• http:.'/greeknewtestament.org - A Greek New Testament Project coming soon. Currently pointing to Ultimasurfs Greek NT
• http://wssw.greeknewtestament.com/ - Para lid Greek Ness Testament -Stephens 1550 Textus Receptus, Scrhener 1894Textus Receptus, By/antinc Majority, Alexandrian, Hort and Westcott editions ssith Latin Yulgate and 9 English translations
• http:// ssww.z h u ber t. co nv' - Greek Ness T estament and Hebress T anakh brosy ser online
• http://www.tvndale.cam.ac.ukbihlon'hihlon2000.html - Biblon 2000 Greek Ness Testament Project
• http;.. »w.grcckbiblc.com. - The Online Greek Bibie
• http://ssww-.ccel.ora'ii/anonvmous/gnt.'mp3/ - FREE audio Greek Ness Testament in MP3 format for doss nloading. Greek Ness Testament (Westcott and Hort edition), narrated by Marihn Phemister. Total si/e: 594MB
• http://ssxsw.helding.net/greeklatinaudio'1 &
http:/. »ww.greeklatinaudio.com.indc\.html - Internet Ness Testament Audio Recording Project - A matter of interest to students of NT Greek & Latin.
This sseb site offers free MP3 audio- fil es of high-quality recorded readings of the NT in fluid koine Greek & sulgate Latin
• http://ssww.bihles.org.uk/ - Greek Ness Testament (With Morphological Data)