04 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 4 638

04 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 4 638

-The Robinson-Pierpont MajorityText

http:.'.'sssssy.hiMes.cmi.uk'1 - Greek New Testament (YYith Morphological Data)

-    Scrhener 1894 Textus Keccptus

http://ssxsxv.biMes.org.uk/ - Greek New Testament (With Morphological Data)

-    Stephanus 1550 Textus Receptus

http://ssxsxv.hiMes.org.uk/ - The Greek Ness Testament - Stephanus 1550 Receised Text ssith 6360 textual notes, containing the complcte collation of the four major recensions

http://ssxsxy.hiMes.org.uk - Greek Nesv Testament-TischendorfSth edition ssith critical apparatus and ss ithout criticaI apparatus

http:.'.'ssxsxv.biMes.oi-g.uk'1 - The Ness Testament In The Original Greek Text -The Text established by Ivan Panin by means of Bibie numerics http:''ssssss.scripture4all.org'()nlinelnterlinear Greek lndex.htm - Online Greek-English Interlincar of the NT

http://ssxsxv-users.cs.vork.ac.uk/~fisher/gnt/chapters.html & http:svwsv-users.cs.vork.ac.uk/~fisher/gnt/search.html - This is a brosssable, Web-based inteiface to the Greek Ness Testament

Nestle-Aland Morimi Ttatamentum Graece 27th edition - Every Ness Testantent scholar must ossn a copy. Edited by Barbara & Kurt Aland, Johannes Karasidopoulos, Cario \1. Martini, and Bruce Manning Metzger The Greek Ness Testament - Fourth Resised Edition ss ith Dictionars - edited by Kurt Aland. Bruce M. Metzger, etc for United Bibie Society

http: sssssv.evagelio.gr/

- The Bibie in Modern Greek

http://vulgate.net - St. Ji

:'s Latin Vulgate (405 A.D.)

•    http://vulgate.org - Latin V u Iga te ssith Douay-Rheims English translat ion side In side

•    http:.'.'ssxsxv.gutenbergdigital.de - The Gottingen Gutenberg Bibie (ca. 1454) published by Johann Gutenberg. AU 1282 pages of both solumes

•    http:.''.'ssxsxs.vatican.va.'archive.'bible’'nova sulgata documcnts nosa-s ulga ta index lt.html - Nosa Yulgata- Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio.

Sacrosanti OecumeniciConcilii Yaticani II Ratione Habita lussu Pauli PP. VI Recognita Auctoritate loannis Pauli PP. II Promulgata. Editio Typica Altera

•    http:.'.'sssssv.fli-

augsburg.dŁ-harsdi Chronologia Lspost04.11ieronymu&hie_\f)00.html-Yulgata - Hieronyntiana Yersio. Y'etus Testamentum, Nosum Testamentuni, et A po gryphi

•    http:.'.'ssssss.intratext.com.'X.'LAT(KKn.htm - Hieronymi Yulgata:

H\ eronimiana sersio

•    http:.'.'ssssxs.drbo.org'lvh.htm - Latin Y ulgate Bibie oiiginated about the year 382 A.D. Pope Damasus ssas the fi^t to drass up a list of the inspired books for the Roman CoundL He commissioned St Jer orne to translate the oiiginal Greek and HeM ess texts into Latin. With Douay-Rheims English Bibie translation of the Latin Yulgate

•    http:.'.'ssxsxs.lih.uchicago.edu.'efts.'ARTFL''puhlic.'bihle»'vulgate.search.html -


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