ARTFL Project: Latin Vulgate Bibie Search Engine
• http:.'.' - Resources for the study of the Old Latin Bibie
• Nestle-Aland \ovum Testamentum Latine - Latin Yulgate New Testament
edited by Kurt Aland & Barbara Aland_
• http:.'.' rgumsearch.html - Search Aramaic Targums of'()nqclos. Pesudo-Jonathan, Ncofiti, fragments of Targum, with Masoretic te\t of Tanakh, and Syriac Peshitta.
• http:'/www .tułano. cdii' - ntcv' pjpsj on.litm - The English t ranslation of Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben Uzziel On the Pentateuch With The Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum From theChaldee Bv J. W. Etheridge, MA. First Published 1862
• http:, - English translation of Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan Ben IJzziel On the Pentateuch with Aramaic text
• http: - Milon Morfix Online Hebrew/ English & English/Hebrew Dictionaiy
• http:.■www Jaib.ut e.\as. triu, hebrew. - The Hebrew Program is part of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies. The program offers undergraduate and graduate degrees and concentrates on Modem Hebrew. Students may choose to focus on Biblical Hebrew as well. Tutorials and Video elips are avai labie.
• - DAYAR is a free hebrew dictionary/lexicon, running on YVindows95/98/ME/NTAV2000/XP platform. It can be a hclpful tool for study of Old Testament language as well as modern hrit
• http:..'www.hebrew4christians.conv' - Herc you’ll find basie information about the Hebrew alphabet, vowels, and Biblical Hebrew grammar so that you can better understand the Scriptures from a Hebraic point of view. In addition to leaming Biblical Hebrew grammar, this site provides information about common Hebrew blessings and Jewish prayers, the Tanakh. the Jewish holidays. and various meditations from a Messianic point of view
• http:.. >>w>>.inilingua.coiii. łiebi c>> ikgmnenFieŁ lkgiiiiienEiee.htiii - Free Hebrew Lessons for Beginners
• http: '.'' Dictionary.htm - Free Hebrew Dictionaiy / Milon
• http://www.milingua.eom/a mor cl nfo/ałle brew Word lnfo.htm - A Hebrew Word a Day. The free daih "word" edition is usually an entire vocabular> lesson on a certain concept. It includes a main word, related words, terms, expressions and examples, wliich introduce many morę words
• The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the (Md Testament (Lnahridged 2-\6lume Study Editionl - by Ludwig Koehler, Walter Baumgailner, M. E. J. Richardson (translator). The3rd edition of Koehler & Baumgartner's Hebrew dictionaiy is w idely regarded as the most up-to-date dictionaiy for