16 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 16 638

16 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 16 638

http: '/www.e-sword,net - Free download of Hebrew Tanakh, Scptuagint, Greek New Testament, Latin yulgate, dictionaries, and commentaries (Pocket PC yersion is also available for downloading)

•    http:''msw.online-hible.com/winonlinebible.html - Free download of He brew Tanakh, Greek New Testament, Septuagint, and Latin Yulgate

•    http://ttt.its.psn.cdn/snppcstions/intcrnational/hylanpnape/syriac.htnil - This script was devcloped for Aramaic (which is also called Syriac or Assyrian). Like Arabie and Hebrew, this script is written right to left and has consonants only. This script is particuarly associated whh the Assyrian Christian, Chaldean Christian, or Syrian Christian church.

•    http:'.'kiv.ultimasui1.com - King James Bibie with Apocrypha. Translated in 1611

http://www.inul.huii.ac.il v-exhihition»'ramham.'entt'foreword.html-


Mishnah, Avot, Talmud. Mishneh Torah, Responsa, Commandment, Guide For The Perplexed (Moich ha-Nevukhim), Epistleto the Yemenite Jews (IggeretTeman), Resurrection, Letter on Forced Conversions, Perek Helek, Treatiseon l^igk, Medical W ritings, Epistles_

•    http://www.ultimasui1.net/bihle/trivia.htm - Take a Bibie test to see whether

you are a Bibie scholar!_

•    http;.. www.biMecodedigest.com - Bibie Codę Digest: Isaac Newton Bibie Codę Research Society- Presenting compelling empirical es idence that the Bibie w as written bv an intelligence far beyond the abilities of mankind

•    http://www-user.uni-bremen.de''-w i&'TCG/index.ht ml - An Online Textual Commentary on the Greek Gospels by Wieland Willker. This commentary discusses the 1000 most iniporiant textual yariants of the Gospels, plus about 500 minor ones, on about 2200 pages

•    http:.'/www.dahar.org,'RHCharies/Revelation/contents.htm - A Critical and Exegetical Commentan on The Revelation of St. John by R.H. Charles. Yolume 1

• http:/. www.biMe.org. page.asp?page_id=2439 - Textual Criticisim Series (Real Audio Yideo). Dr. Daniel B. W allace has been yisiting churches for the past few years, gi\ing a short series on the history of the transmission of the New Testament-from the pens of the apostles to the printed page. The fint part of the series shows how textual critics go about determining the original text from the 5,5(K) existing Greek manuscripts. lt’s an interactive exercise: The audience fint takes on the roleof ancient scribes, then modem textual critics: they actually create manuscripts that thes lat er need to sift through. tning to


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