15 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 15 638

15 ultimate online resources for bible scholars 15 638

composcd of ethical ma\ints of thc Rabbis of thc Mishnaic period. It is the second-last tractatein the Mishnaic order Ne/ikin

•    http:.'.'www.e-daf.com.'1 - Online copy of original Talmud (in Cif format), page In page

http:.'.'www.iewishvirtuallihrarv.ortŁ''isource'Tal niud/talmudtoc.html -English translat ion of Talmud

•    http:, .'www .sacred-texts.com'iud.'talmud.htm - The Babylonian Talmud translated by Michael L. Rodkinson

•    http: inul.huii.ac.il dl talmud - Online Treasury ofTalmudic Manuscripts. Misnali & Talmud

•    http: 'www.sbl-site.org - Society of Biblical Literaturę

•    http:.'.'rosetta.reltech.oi^.'TC .'T( .html - TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism is an elect ronić journal dedicated to the study of the Jewish and Christian biblical texts. Artides on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literaturę) are discussed.

•    http:.'.-'syrgom.cua.edu.''Hugoye. - Hugoye : Journal of Syriac Studies

•    http:.'.'www.iaas.ortL'' - Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies

•    http:..'www.bsw.ortŁ index.php?l=lO - BSW Journal publishes scicntific works bv scholars interested in making availabie theirwork through the World Wide Web.

•    http::/w ww.bsw.or)i inde\.php'.)ł=7l - Biblica, published sińce 1920 by the Pontiflcal Biblical Institute in Romę is a research journal and appears four times a year. It is dedicated to biblical studies on the Old and New Testament, and intertestamentary literaturę, and covers fields of reseach, such as exegesis, philology. and history

http:.'.'www.bsw.ortL'index.php?l=72 - The FILOLOGIA NEOTESTAMENTARIA journal is the result of initiatise taken by the Area de Filologia Griega of the Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigiiedad y de la Edad Media, University of Cordoba. Within its Scope lies every aspect of New Testament Greek philology, that is, textual criticism, grammar, semantks, lexicography and esentualh semiotics, and its relationship w ith Classical or Hellenistic Greek.

http:.'.'www.ibiblio.ora bhebrew.'1 - B-Hebrew is an e-mail conference of academic professionals, teachers, students. dergs and kuty, peopleof any faith, devoted to a better underst anding of the Hebrew Bibie.

•    http: www. ihiblio.org/hgreek' - B-Greek is a mai ling list for scholars and students of Biblical Greek.

http:..'www.arts.ualberta.ca JHS'ihs-article.html - Journal of Hebrew Scriptures


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