http://www.pcrseiis.tiifts.edn/t,pi-hin/resnlvpfnmi?display=:«£rlanp=prrf k -I.iddcIl-Scott-.Iones I.e\icon of Classieal Greek (froni Perseus site) http;/y>>w.kypros.Qi ft ^4-bin. lc.\it:on - Greek-English & EngMsh-Greek Dictionary / Lexicon
http:.. »>v>v.c celo i ą s. sm yth/g ram ma r/ht nil.toc .htm - Herbert Weir Smyth’s Greek Graniniar (First Edition) - The Greek Bibie in Graeco-Roman worlld. Demetrios Database is a database of Septuagint Greek. This database is an ongoing project by the llnbersity of Reading and is continualh being expanded . f.htnil - Summary Lectures on The Basics of Biblical Greek, by Dr. Bill Mounce. These sum mary lectures were given at Gordon-ConweD fheological Seminary during the fali of 2000 and spring of 2001. This course will take you through the basics of biblical Greek, from the alphabet to noun and vcrbal gram mar. The lectures correspond to the second edition of the textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, which is due out Jub 2003.,' koine/g reek/lesso ns/ - Lit tle Greek 101: Leaming New Testament Greek. This is an evob ing online textbook for beginning New Testament Greek
http^/ nt greek'grkindex.htm - I.earn New Testament Greek.
http:./ www.the uto 1 .htm - El em en tary New Testament Greek, by Jim West, ThD.
http:..socrates.beikdey.eda -ancgreekandent_gieek_slart.htnil - And en t Greek Tutoriais, by Donald J. Mast ronarde with the assistance of the Berkeley Language Center of the U n w er sity of California. Berkeley. h ttp:// www. xa n t h i. i Is ik> g/ - Filoglossia: Learning Modem Greek as a foreign language. Level: Beginners'leani,iD/100/author ki/38/ - Greek Gram mar by William W. Goodwin. Goodwin’s Greek Graniniar stands with Hadley’s Greek Ciraniniar as one of the most wideb used and longest running Cireek Grammars in America. The graniniar has gone through many editions and repiints for over 130 years, with the last major edition appearing in 1930. http:.■ www.te.vtkit.coni leara ID. 105. authorjd. 39. - First Greek Book by John Williams White. Download this free beginner’s Classieal Greek textbook. Just as the name says, First Cireek Book is a beginning Greek textbook.
http:.■ www.te.vtkiLeom leaiu ID. 139. authorjd. 61. - A Brief Introduction to New Testament Greek by Samuel G. Green. This New Testament graniniar, for beginners, features 128 pages of instruction, lessons and lexicon. An answer key for the lessons is also available.'learn.iD/51/author id/11/ - Greek Prose Composition by North and Hillard. This classic 275 page Greek Composition book has been in use throughout the world for over 100 years. The book features brief lesson overviews foDowed by English to Greek composition exercises. A ke> is