Ihi.un fćtilir /'Ktuftfl. >ui-.v-U'l1 !i;, tłu-
/W.b«, ’iyfyOlgfłf,?ik1:1. by Heljn AbtłWB . v1 tfamMferi. sop.fifł Roł;jt>xt
l\irli«łrr; t*c
V straight pins (for reinfiirring arlimte jaims)
V romtd wood toolhpkl > (for rriitfnrcl/tg ar impruUmgi
V needlc tool or darniny net tile (fordmwhig »n cioy)
V stnaitpaintbr.tsh hond/? | ruch os o iiner bntsh)
V Kurto* hnfe or rlnirp pa ring knife
V rultr
V tiuky cruji glac
V ic/aed pujtcr. luiukbig Japę i to profectxr.nr .cork siufuce)
V prr-moisteited timelelU-s ot baby u i pet 'Cicanimeu is esscniiol wiicit working with clay. Clean y<mr homLs and httrk surfui e Jn-t/uentli. < s/.ccially whcn diun giny cuiors. Lun.\ glowstaii be ttstful,
bu: \nu'li Inne to remów lnem to iht fine delaitn.j
V wen. o'en thennameter
yt yhtss or cerwtm bttbug ib.ui, or insulated or doubled hnking rhcct
W own mrrhmcnt or 11tan Kłute pupci (Jor linina baking sheets tn preerm diiny ureus)
V parto marhine 'aptumai, but speeds up blendiny colon and mu king largc sherłsfor entliny słui I tuaremr. etc. Da not use the same macbiiu far clay tiuir yau rrsr for fnad.)
V Kemper rfux cutters (firrettuing smali pm ise sltoprs. Amdfahlr in u wtrieiy of shapes ona sizes.)
pulilisiicd by:
A tiybis rmtvixI N > |vn ni J:i> puMn-iUnui i«|..v lv iC|>ń»'.Oc«d i1 uii./oJ ir.a=y lom ar
l>\ A.IY IIIŁ. I'. -Ii.luonm pbWucopY: Ig. *7lh-
i* |t-i r ir wril ny :V. ni Ihe -iihlisint riiii.il irtthc I mi.d S #ncf AmcriŁ.
Tb: InfonriiDjnia thiiUoA h i
fridi. 'ms.rvr i»> vunanł) i* pivci i*s ar.-naukigmance.1 IIt* tm licPn.iy li. lIi.L -'»lK my lir 'iSil) l<n m‘4«iu.«;'J frsullł,
Thr :Wifiv< in Ihi* b uk . r; inlJikJ.il '-Jlcll for niłi-ciirnm.-ri i. I hrauc nic. Nu h.ju-i' ha« lv‘rti -rmlr.l lo ippK incsa cc> t.'U' H> cresie jftclis utmT Mili ihcfisif.er b: s.vd An> uch 3* i' .in in nn.cm.ril ul’U« copyrghi in hc :lui.mctsn p-ntnyi-_ miJ b tpśćifiraUy pn-liihifetL
!ł"( C^JTAr -v iiunU fu hrkutdI l,ir
rrr. (n.iut • nf 11 ‘.i i -1 • r/nr itYifr iii,/*i"i n
!hf ■ Vi mlv:e r.-usc itrul fetyrif. UV .. w M,l l.'V inJji firiT i,.’iijf/i redt>t* rV
•( kmf Opwfaliir "rginur \i't,rr;%.
Fur .i i.iVs caial.iv! ul ii.*jrlv ‘Ml rei il S2 KI to
125*.: N.W. Ihird, l>rpi It f.iiUiy Orrotm WUI1 pho-ir iSOli 2ffr9l02 ftn ;MH ?j+ Mi hnpt^^MATjr-.pUaŁt.cptn hup: "wama.Di mu > B wŁmwi
\1 ea*. u ring; In liiis book clay is mcasured ło pockages b:ills or l« • ^. A “pack-age" is Ihc standard 2-07. si/c. A I' hall is I" ut ihe ihickrs: par A l/t" Iw is 4' iliick anJ wliatcver Icngth isspecified. Carcful nwasnrcmrnts nrr the kcy to uccuraleiy leptuducing thcsc tigures.
Prcpuring Uiccloy: Wnrmtb ..ud kneadinr aro impurianl lu make Sculpey pply iwr eluy worknhlc* and strony Wami ii in yout aamls. liieu kil.‘ad smali picces, adding moro bili of clay umil ii’s uli ;uill>likc and smooll A posła machin c can ho tiscd tr kur ad ihc clay.
Hlrnding rnlors: Kuli prcjiurcu . ay i:iLo rupes. Twist ihc ropes uf dilTcrcni colors togeibrr. fnld ihein in hall' and rui! Ulem smootll ag.-.m. Contimi; unlil the color is sm*Mvh. wiihmit streass in inarliling. A pasta machnie can speed up bkr.ding of colnrs—krep fnklinp and lutning lim clay as you tecd it through.
Klaltrning Smali a.nminis nf clay can hc flattcncd by prcsslng with «hr bali uf yuur ll.uinl) hu largci picccs (such as to on asliirl patiem) nsr ihcsmooth handlr uf an X aclu” kinie lor a bandy rolling pin. You can also usc a pusta niacliiiie fur smuuth, undbrmly rlat picces. Th: U2 SCUing i1- aboui Vft“ ih.ck aml be k.S Ls aboul Vi6".
Kciidorcing jomts Although polymcr lay b.mds t» iiscl:. it’s a gaod idea lu iciufprcc smali joinl.s with straight pins or picces of tuodipicks. (Pirs :in» rsisier to iuscit witaoul distorti g smali picccs; cont the pirs with tncky glno in k.vp i! cm iuiu twisting loosc.l Also nsc a dab of giuc u-hen you'rc adding ncw clay lu a.icady-takcd clay.
< ( ontinucd iiisklc the bnck Wfr.)