24a 2

24a 2

1~onr\-;A--]— ii^es

Rivcrsidc Dclighls

Swan and Cygncts

Thcse pnllcrn delails slioulcł be uscd in conjunction willi (lic General Inslruclions sheel.

“Out at..." mcans bring the ncedlc Prom the back of the work tbrough to the front.

“In al..." mcans take the necdlc froin the right side of the work through to the back.

On many scctions of lliis design sonie holes are uscd morę (lian once.

Swan Body

Out al A in at B

Out at C in al D

Continuc (his sequcncc to B

Swan Taił

Out at I: in at G

Out at II in at I

Out at J in at K

Out at L in at M

Out at N in at A

Continuc (his sequencc to O


Copyright O 1998 DJ Designs

Swan I Iead and Ncck

Out at P in at Q

Out at R in at S

Continuc this scquencc to I'

Out at T in al U

Out at V in at W

Out at X in at Y

Continuc this scqucncc to Z

Cygnct 1 Body

Out at A in at B M

Out at C in at D

Continue this sequcncc to E

Cygnct 1 Mcad Out at P in at G Out at I I in at I Out at J in at G Out at K in at L Out al M in at N Out at O in at P

Sew the other Ihrce Cygnets in the same sequcnce. The mimbcr ofholes from A to B may vary. Somc heads

share holes with the body.



Backstitch ripples from RI to R2.

Ponn-A-Lincs is a Rcgistercd Trademark ofCard Inspirations Thcse Fonn-A-Lines instructions arc copyright €> 1998 D J Designs and may not bc reproduccd without permission.

Published by Card Inspirations, Tewin Mili Farm, Tewin, llcrts AL6 OLU UK. Tcl: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477


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