33 snack time1

33 snack time1


Dried Apple Rings

Gather a peeler, a smali knife, a long piece of string or twine, and one applc per chi Id. Have the children help you peel and core the apples. Let the children watch as you lay the apples on their sides and cut them into rings about *A" thick. Havc tho children help you string the twine through the centers of the apple rings leaving al least }A" between each slicc. Hang the apples in a warm, dry, sanitary place for about a week. When the applc rings have dried, let the students enjoy them during snack time. Storę the excess apple rings in an airtight Container.

Apple Yogurl

For each child you will need one paper cup; one spoon; half of an applc; y/z cup piain yogurl; and an assortment of toppings such as grano!a, raisins, dried fruits, nuts, chopped coconut, ctc. You will also need an apple corcr and a knife. Core the apples and cut them into smali pieces but leave the skin on the pieces. Place the apples and the other ingredient-s into bowls. Cive each child a cup, have him fili it half-full with yogurt and let him add whichever toppings he desires. Students can mix their ingredients in their cups and enjoy their healthy yogurt snacks.

Banana and Orange Milkshake

For each child you will need half a banana, 'A cup orange juice. '/z cup milk, and a plastic cup. You will also need a Container with an airtight lid. Work with one child at a time, allowing him to mash his banana half in the Container, then let him measure out the orange juice and milk into the Container. He is then to put the lid on the Container and shakc well. When the ingredients are weli-mixed, allow the student to pour his milkshake into his glass and enjoy it with a snack or lunch.



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