35 snack time1
Snack Time Suggestions

Apple Sandwiches
Gather honey, peanut butler, sliced bananas, cream cheese, raisins, cinnamon, and half as many apples as there are students. Peei and core the apples and cut each into four slices. Give each child two apple slices. Allow him to spread his choice of toppings on one of thc apple slices and then top it with the other slice to create an apple sandwich!
Apple Coleslaw
Gather one apple, one smali head of cabbage, ‘/a cup mayonnaise, ’/i cup milk, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Grate the apple and shred the cabbage. Let the children mix the mayonnaise, milk and lemon juice together. When mixed, pour over the apple and cabbage and toss. Serve as a snack or with lunch.
Fruit Kabobs
Gather several types of soft fresh or canned fruit and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Place the fruits into bowls and set them on a table along with drinking straws and paper cups. Give each child a straw and a paper cup and allow him to select fruits and place them in the paper cup. Have each child skewer his fruits on his straw, then let him enjoy his fruit kabob at snack time.
Sweetened, Chilled Carrot Sticks
Gather a few packages of fresh carrots and a can of pineapple juice. Cut the carrols into carrot sticks and place them in a large bowl. Pour the pineapple juice into the bowl with the carrots until they are completely covered. Refrigerate the carrots in the pineapple juice for a minimum of one to two hours and serve as a snack.
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