34 snack time1

34 snack time1

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Snack Time Suggestions

Healthy Milkshake

Put students into groups of four and gather the following ingredients for each group: 1 cup milk, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin, and a pinch of cinnamon. You will also necd a blender, plastic knives and plastic cups. Work with the groups one at a time to help studenta make their healthy milkshakes. Allow the children to help you slice the bananas with the plastic knives, measure out the other ingredients and place them all in the blender. Blend and serve chilled.

Tuna Vegetable Dip

Gather */2 cup mayonnaise, ‘fi cup sour cream,

1 pint cottage cheese, and a 6 '/2-ounce can of tuna fish. Drain the tuna fish and allow the children to help you measure out the ingredients. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. Chill the mixture for 30 minutes to an hour. Allow the children to eat the dip with crackers and raw vegetables.

Coconut and Cream Chccse Rałls

Gather the following ingredients for each group of four or five students: lA teaspoon vanilla, a 12-ounce package of cream cheese, and a dash of salt. You will also need a bowl with about lfi cup of powdered sugar and a bowl with shredded coconut for all the students to use. Allow the children to take tums helping you beat the cream cheese until smooth. Next beat in the vanilla and salt. Have each child roli a smali amount of the cream cheese mix into a bali, then roli it in the powdered sugar and the coconut. Chill the balls on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper, then serve as a snack.

Fruity, Crunchy Yogurt

Purchase a large Container of vanilla yogurt, shelled and unsalted sunflower secds, and a fcw cans of fruit cocktail. Allow each child to spoon a little bit of each item into a paper cup and mix to create a fruity, crunchy yogurt snack.

34 * C»r>wn-I>ell0Wi Hubl. CO-4819


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