Snack Time Suggestions
Gather 3 q u aria popped popcorn, lA cup margarine, 1 cup dried apple chunks, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup toasted walnuts, and 3 tablespoons sugar. Allow the children to watch as you pop the popcorn and then lei them help you measure out the amount reąiiired for the recipe. Place the popcorn and walnuts in a elear, microwave-safe howl and mix. Meli the margarine and pour over the popcorn. Mix the sugar and cinnamon and pour over the popcorn. Place in the microwave and cook on high for two minutes. Whcn warmed, stir in the apple chunks and spread on a cookie shcct until cool.
Gather «everal different types of lunch meat, thick-sliccd if possible. Give each child a piece of cach meat and allow him to taste each and describe it. Let students tell you which ones they like and which ones they do not. You might want to let them roli their slices up around cream r.heese, hread slicks, or other types of food to create interesting snack combinalions.
Wash and siice a few cucumbers. Allow the children to cal the slices as a snack along with dips such as diii dip, spinach dip, French onion dip, ranch dressing, etc. Have the children describe the taste and texture. You may allow them to try the cucumbers with a little bit of salt, too. Havc them compare the way cucumbers taste with the way piekłeś taste.
Gather 272 cups sugar, l1/* cups crushed pineapple, 2 lemons, 1 orange, 5 bananas, 1 quart milk, 1 pint whipping cream, and 1 ean condensed milk. Allow the children to help you measure the ingredients, juice the orange and łemons and mash the bananas. Mix the fruit, juice and sugar together, then let stand at room temperaturę for Iwo hours. Add both types of milk and the cream and freeze in an ice cream frcezcr. Givc cach student, a portion of the ice cream to enjoy at snack time.
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