Materials For Each Chlld:
pieces of different-cofored broken eggshell.
Łn separate dishes 1 coostruction-paper egg card pencil and giue
Ciass Preparations:
You will need about one egg per child. Boil the eggs for ten minutes in water with a few drops of tood coloring. Make several batches in different colors Allow the eggs to cool; then remove the shelłs and break them mto pieces. Place each cctor in a different dish. To make a card, fold a Sheet of 9* x 12" construction paper in half.
Tnen use the pattern betów to draw an egg against the fold. Cut out the egg. but do not eut along the fold.
| PlrectiohS:
1. Draw a paltem or picture on the card.
1. Spread glue all over the front of the card.
3. Stick on pieces of different-colored eggshell to fili In the pattern or picture. Press down on each piece to break it into tiny fragments.
AHow to dry.
4. Write a message to a fnend inside the card. O
Use with Eggshell Cards on this page and H»de-And-Seek Card on page 92.