1 sheet 9* x 12" construction paper lempera paints in saucers tóack fine*!ip marker
Pour paint mto saucers.
t. Curl up your littfe linger and dtp the stele of ii mto parni Press onto the paper topnnt a snails shell. Wash your hand.
2. Straighten out your finger and dip the side mlo a different-colored paint. Print a linę under the snail's Shell lor the body. as shown
3. Make butterflies and ladybugs using thumb and lingerprints. as shown.
Ą. When the paint is dry. use a marker to add antennae and other markmgs to the bugs
3-5 squares of colored tissue paper. 4" x 4*
1 straw
brown non-hardening modelmg clay and glue
For this group project. cut a class supply of tissue-paper squares.
1. Twist squares of tissue paper together then glue them at the twisted join to make flowers : ■ >
2. Push the flowers mside one end of a straw, as shown. Allow to dry
3. Press modeling clay along the length of the classroom windowsill to make a flower bed t' .
4. Poke the end of the straw mto the clay.