1 Container, such as a yogurt cup. cardboard lube, paper cup. or dish-detergent bottle junk items, such as pipę cleaners. paper scraps. wiggle eyes. corks. ptastic wrap, aluminum foli. and string tempera paints. paintbrushes and glue
Have your class make a collection of junk Wrap and glue construction paper around plastic containers such as yogurt cups.
1. Glue pipę cleaners. plastic wrap. aluminum foil. and other junk to your Container to create your space creature; then allow it to dry.
2. Finish off the space creature by painting it.
Materiale for Each Chlld: paper piąte. 7" m diameter strips of elear plastic wrap tissue-paper scraps long strips of crepe paper glue
Cut the paper plates in half and give each child half a piąte. Cut the crepe paper into long stnps. Cut strips of elear plastic wrap. Have stnng and tape ready.
1. Decorate the underside of half a paper piąte by gluing on tissue paper and strips of plastic wrap.
2. Glue crepe-paper tentacłes to the straight edge of the piąte on the other side. so that they dangie down
3. Tape a piece of string to the middle of the jellyfish s curved edge to hang it up. O