1 square of waxed paper. 6" x 6'*
1 piece of narrow nbbon. 8' in length colored sand in different colors glue In a sgueeze Container
Practice thts craft the week before to get the glue lines thick enough to peel.
t. Squeeze a glue design onto waxed paper. making surę that all the glue lines are thick and connected.
2. Spnnkle colored sand on the design
3. Allow to dry for a week.
•4. When it is completely dry. gently peel the waxed paper from the glue design.
5. Tie a loop of nbbon on the design so that
it can be hung from a window. ceiling. or wali. O
1 sheet of 9* x 12* waxed paper peełabłe stickers
tempera paims in shailow containers smali sponges
1. Stick peelable stickers onto the waxed paper to make a picture or pattem.
7.. Use the sponges to dab pamt all over the paper. Use a different sponge for each color 3. Allow to dry.
Ą. Peel stickers off to reveal the picture or pattem.