pg1 3

pg1 3

Q Health and hygiene

   Ma nos and fmgemeils musi ba Kapt cMn at a£ hme* tisiog hot watai and anb becwrial soap

•    Wash barda betweer baotfmg meal. Itsh. tn* and

vegetabies or vtsmrtg łba to4a« ot btowtng    f


•    Cuts. bufns and atorastcnc rmjst be ccwered wHh JJ a suitabty cotoured waterprooł dnea»ng

•    Aa iRneeses to be repotiea rorrechatoły    ^

N dysertry ot dtahorea & suspected,    »

«op woric at onoa    ,

•    No smoking. eetmg or dnrmrng tn food    ,

handHng ateee    f

9 Oman pro*oc*veóothtrg and head    F

cooetirg musi be wotn at ad ttmas to prołect lood and handler    f

   Do not cough ot sneeae neer lood

•    Use oeaning materiał* m accordance with >ranutadurets mstruclions and oever silów them to come toto eon tael wrth food

•    Alt >0003 mM be thorooghty coołotd to a sale internat temper a tutę

•    Separata stetage compartments /

most be used lot raw and    \

cooked foods    —

B Galley and pantry equipment

Ęj Temperaturę control

• it >a Ute temperatura ol the lood and not th* a* temperaturo oMhehołdinę unii that mus: ba mahuwtec    M|B

rs musi have sa<ety nds whtch car emotfter a kra. WATER TO EXTINGUISH A FAT F«łE

•    Kntves. saws and dtoppera s»>ou*d    F ~jT

be hep* Sharp ano noused m secure

Ticks or safety sheathed. Do not mu J^feosłsT_    /M

wdh omer Setna when washing-op    TTiSieiirini ~i ~r

•    Oo not grac e tolhng knde    <T

•    Fautty apptiaoces muei be teoorted 1

and taaen out ol *ervice A DO NOT UST' noMce mutt be cfctptayed

•    When cteentng ot unotoctnng. ensure egutpmert <s swdehed ol and AR part* m cuńtoct attth lood musi ba washed, rinsad. santiaed ano

•    Food waste and othar gatbage musi be m.-ncdwie»y stontc <n deugr ccntaśners and otscoead ol in accordanca wtih MARPOt Anna* V.

scccnlance witr tio manutacturara* Instrueltons

•    Keep me mermetnetet en the cotdest pan ol the frtdge and cneck ragulaity tbai t*> temperatura «s betweer 0*C


•    The cotdeet part ol *te Indge shouk) contatn me most pensbable loods such es cołd meats







B Refrigeration, frec and storę rooms

• Al doors most be Med with bolh a mans o! opemng and soundtng alarm trem

•    Alt sptts and breafcages must ba cieaned-up immatfateły

•    Wben u&tng «e>rs and compenlonways. keep one band Iree to use tbe bandrati.

•    Do not car ry lems m soch a *ay as lo obscute yout viaw

•    Whet«vet posatfc-'*. ensure alt deck ccyemgs ar« ol tbe anti-dp typa, Bąąedelj outs>de ntlngeraltcn rooms.

• AKways jniortn othets when entenng tmae

1044 W


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