scan0020 4

scan0020 4

39.1, Susan zadała Johnowi następujące pytania. Zamień te pytania na mowę zależną.

How many girls have you already gone out with?

<^ Susan asked John how many girls he had already gone out with.

1. “Have you ever been in love?"

2. Peter asked Susan if she was going to meet John again that night.

3. Peter asked Susan if she liked John’s sense of humour.

4. Peter asked Susan when she would stop thinking about John all the time.

2. “Do you like girls with curly hair?”

5. Peter asked Susan why she was leaving the room.

3. “Did you go out with Becky Smith yesterday?”

4.    “Will you meet me again?”    HA, Napisz 6 zdań o tym, o co

zapytałeś/zapytałaś ostatnio swoją dziewczynę/swojego chłopaka.

5.    “Are you having a good time?”

1.    I asked my boyfriend/girlfriend

2.    I _

3.    I__

4.    I___________________

5.    I_____

6.    I

39.2 . John zapytał Susan o następujące rzeczy. Zamień te pytania na mowę zależną.

“When are we going to have the biology test?’” John asked Susan when they were going to have the biology test.

1. “How many mistakes have I madę in my essay?”

2. “Where is the best hairdresser in town?”

3. “Who will stay to help me with this project?”

4. “What did you say to Miranda about me?”

5. “How do you like my new jeans?”

39.3. Peter też zadał Susan kilka pytań.

Jakie to były pytania?

Peter asked Susan if she had seen John recently.

Peter: “Have you seen John recently?”

1. Peter asked Susan how many times she had talked to John on the phone the week before.

39.5. Uzupełnij pytania, które urzędniczka zadała turyście przy wjeździe do USA. Następnie zrelacjonuj te pytania w mowie zależnej.

1. _ ?

From Poland.

2. _?

Yes, I have. I was in New York two years ago.

3.    ___ ?

This time l’m going to Boston.

4. ____?

I’ve got 2 thousand dollars in cash and a credit card too.

1 a.The immigration officer asked me_ 2 a. She also asked

3a.Then _

4a. Finally,_


curly hair kręcone włosy • in cash gotówką

sense of humour poczucie humoru



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