Writing, Sentence Skills errors 1
f) Misplaced modifiers - words that, because of awkward placement, do not describe the words the writer intended them to describe:
George couldmt drive to work in his smali car with a broken (The sports car had a broken leg?)
He nearly brushed his teeth for twenty minutes every night. (He came close to brushing his teeth but in fact did not brush them at all?)
g) Dangling modifiers - A modifier that opens a sentence must be followed immediately by the word it is meant to describe:
Shaving in front of a steamy mirror, the razor nicked Ed’s chin. (Who was shaving in front of the mirror? The answer is not razor but Ed. The subject Ed must be added.)
Taking the exam, the room was so stuffy that Paula almost fainted. (Who took the exam? The answer is not room but Paula. The subject Paula must be added.)
h) Faulty parallelism - words in a pair or a series should have a parallel structure:
My job includes checking the inventory, initialling the orders, and to cali the suppliers. (A balanced series of -ing words; should be calling instead of to cali.)
The game-show contestants was told to be cheerfuh charming. and with enthusiasm. (A balanced series of descriptive words; should be enthusiastic instead of with enthusiasm.)
We painted the trim in the living room; the wallpaper was put up by a professional. (Balanced verbs and word order; should be a Professional put up instead of was put up by a Professional.)
i) Wordiness - using morę words than necessary to express a meaning:
In this paper, I am planning to describe the hobby that I enjoy of collecting old comic books.
In Dan‘s opinion, he thinks that cable television will change and alter our lives in the futurę.

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