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iMjtang * The Ibring test ♦ Herbert ci * AM • Chftitton GotdbJch • Deep |j|g<i N

I I\nln beliewd Out

A (ompujin uniki topy liunwn thoughr |>ioivws I coropylw rpuMiih nwdad mm* furóng C compuicri ywiukt ryriUuiłily ii‘|ii,ui> tumun bcingi O    mlghl Iw usotl (oi IkKiioiM puipowt

I ifiitfliMiiipi1 ) MM *ww vM* ^ Hv Ia*» fc* **v*

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Rtilicial Intelligence

Kabt Malthm, a knding UH rmnhfft oailm his mm

innnlng pito* of mcdlcal łmages for slgns of dlscaśc,

Then there aro the visionarłos, still wedded to Turlng's challenge md tryfng to bring the sd*fl1miigc to life. For (hem, Al Is all nbout (omputerised 'asslstanls' thnt solvc your printer problems and cłweky-chnppy fobots thnt talk to strangers. There are sonie who rven sec Al as the routoito undcrstandlng the worklngs of the


Wlthout doitbt, it Is the ulslonnrlcs who have donc most to get Al rrseorch on TV shows such as Tomorrow's World. It is the jd pragmatists, howevcr, who have goj Al out of the door and into] succcssful applloatlonfi: the neuraf network cooking Controls of mirmwave ovens for example, or the expert system that vcls'crcdil cjrd Iransacttons.

Whcn curreat Al technology is pushed doser to Its sd*fi image,

55 the rcsults can be morę irriUrting than impressivc: witness Microsoft^ Paperdlp Asslstant, and the Al-based 'help-desks' of iome high-tech companies. Even now, 50 ycars after work began on inteiligent machines, only the bravcst customers trust the julpatedlclephone ticketing system at their (ocal dnema.

fven so, yislonary Al rescarchers worklOK awaY from_the aHigyigtfni have pulied offlffbme striking achlevements. Herbert ■ . Simoirs 1957 predlctlon that a Computer would make a ■ ^ nuthematical discovery came to pass 20 ycars later, when a logie* bascd program named AM, developed by Douglas Lenat at Stanford Unlwrsity, dlscovered that every even number greater than four I 4 sccmed to be the sum of two odd1 prlmos. In fad, AM had beęn 1 pippefl lo this discovery by the Prutaiiap mathematidan Christian Goldboch in the 1fith century; ncyęrthctpss the rediscovery of j 'Goldboch's Conjecttfrcf by AM caused a stir within the Al 70 community.

$imon's predlctlon that a Computer would become world chesa champion also came to pass - in a manner of speaking - in 1997, whcn IBM'$ Deep Blue Computer beat Garry Kasparov, the greatesi humon eaponunt of the gamę.

75 Most likely it will be one of the Al visionaries who finally c reates a Computer that passes Turlng's 50*year*old test. For many in the I nudnstream Al community, however, beatlng the Turing Test is I viewed as little morę than a party trick. They are hard at worł^ addressing far morę basie issues in Al - like convincing computers lolund over the cinema tickets you've paid for.

(. Rud tlić artkle carcfulty and nnswor (ho gueittora thit foltow

l Aaording to the writw, the term 'artindal MMgwu'

A o nvwiv) from wne tOMtlfic dictiooflilej I mArt us ttak of nuchmn Irom sci-fl nims.

C n oMfuifd *mong Computer lomtitti.

B. wgpi* lh»i awputy^itfcUoo dmr.

ttbowd tfu1 most ewrttMphrnses In the of wmr: artlfidnl Intdligcnce, 'Al', thc cneoilgS! mnhirw tłu! can ihtnL Just the mentlon of it eon^Jf ĘMUfp of HM, thr iilMoo intclllgent compufl 2001; A Spxe tywy, and GPO, the chatty, (Jj robol (tom Siar IV,ws.

for «v half • cmłury, Computer sclentista ł^ brw woling towards creating such macblrj? spmdo^bilkim of pounds In the attempl. And han^ om*iefotshub«TU challenge set by a Brlt|,f m«hmutt04iKv\H)d)’ wgarded u the father of | rewrdu Alan Turing.

Ounng the I930», Turing showcd, In theory at le4i, Out i \mi\wal machinę' could be built, capable ^J peHomwi dl the laski of any Hwoal-purp^ wmputog machinę. After waMimo work on ggL; hreakir^. Turing hdpcd to tum his dlscovery into redl) oi on electronic Computer. But he also belloy^ hn pmoi moani that computers could fwrmq the action oflhehununmind.

In 1951, Turing published a predictiom by the end of the coUury, computers would be obie to hołd a fly®. minutę conwsalion with humans andłfoil 30 per cent of (hem into beliesing they were dealing with another humanbeing.

II ń jMn^ihoi Has come and gone, along with huge omounts of funding. Yel no Computer Is remotdy ciotę to passing thc Turing Test'. What went wrongf % Kas no one sucteeded in crealing Al ?

tnfact Alis alreody hrre, earnjflg its kiry in banks, airports, hospitals, (actones - even our own borne and car. Il miy not be quite what mony were led to expect, bul im the story of real-life Al is one of misplaced dmam, ItafMMd granbgrabblng hype.

Tfutyi Computer tdenlists diylde into two broad onp on the issue of Al. The pragmalists> see Al as a rnais to aeating machines (hal do for thinking what mpnes hawdonefor pliysicaliobour -taking on tasks ae humans would pretor not to do: spending cndta* jm ui market dala ior trcnds w

) Computer tdontltts todny A do not dUUnouUiriwtwcen soft mul iwillty,

• we mjklng our rliwiim como kup.

C (K> not agieo obodt llw nlim ul Al dmlopnieitt D on’ i|iending Mi too long on Al (moiiidi.

4    WliAt li the wrlter‘1 vlow of tho Mlcrołoft Pepenllp rnihUnt?

A It ii • v«iy helpful dwrlcoi D IthnoUobnlimlcd C It h an Impreiwe devetopmmt D It ii (oliwi iimmylng

5    The dltcovoiy mado by lonoft Computer program

A woni iigaimt tfllh tonuiiy m.itlu*mdtli.il theory,

0 wm gieotod with oxciiemcnt by Al iMHichen

C showetl prodlctlons nbout Al to be Islte.

D cnnblod It to win games llko choss

Accordtng to tht writor, whit do miny mtlmtrum Al rosoorchors thlnk It mott Important?

A liwontlng o computor to beat the Turing tett B developlng computers to become chets champlont

C improving computerlted sorvlccs In dally lift. D crcatlng computers fot cntcrtalnmcnt purposes

^ Vocabulary Practice

Match the hlghllghted words In the passage with their synonyms below.

•    time limit • disputes • groups

•    publicity • imitate • trick • achieued

•    creates in the mind

J TextAnalysis

What do the underlined phrases in the text mean? Discuss in pairs.

What are *visionaries' and 'pragmatists*? How does their approach to Al research differ? What have they each achievecł? Discuss in groups.

I Discussion

a.    In groups, discuss what applications of artiflcial intelligence you would like to see in the futurę. Think about:

•    education • work • entertainment

•    homes • travel • medicine • finance

b.    In pairs, design a robot of your own. Present it to the dass and explain its functioD-


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