Untitled 10

Untitled 10

Aleta Ford Baker’s clever spiral (Octobef 2005 issue} was my starting point whcn 1 set out to design a necklace a mermaid might wear. My cinbellishcd herringbone centerpiece is like a cachc of treasures collccted on an undcrsca adventure.

step step

Necklace base

A paired incrcaw aixl dccrcase io cvery otber round (rum .1 lube with one color 1 color Al spirałing around a corc (color B).

[1]    On a cnmfamhle k-ngih of Turlinr or Power Pro, pick op eiftiw color A and eignt cołor B 11' sced heads.1 caring on S-in. 120cni' tail.tic the beadsintoa ring with a sgoarc knot .Bawcs, p. 103f, and sew through the firsr rwo A*

(figurę 1. a-to).

[2]    Working in nthuktr peyotc uitch (Basics), pick up iii A, ekip che oext A, and sew throngb the fnlłowing A. Repcat thrcc limes, bur «w through

a B in ihe ihird stitch (b-C).

[3]    Pick up two Bc. «ip the ncxt B, and śew through the foliowane B (C-«D.

Work two stitches wilh one B per stitch (<J—e). skip .in A, and step up through the next two An (O-f). Pul! tight. The bradworfc will fonii an oval shapc.

[4]    For the non round, worfc fotir Mitclies u«ng one A per stirch (figurę 2. a-b). Notę tliat 111 the fouitb stitch, you sew through rhc first B in the pair of B* picked up ui tbc prwiuus rounJ. Pick up a B, and sew thtough ihe second B in the pair. Work tłoce nisirc Mrtches with one B per stitch. but in the finał stitch. do not ww iłiitmgh an up-bead as you normally wouid. łnstead. immediatcly step up through the first A in the prCYKMS round and the fint A in the rumtd you just cumpleted (b-C).

[6] Kcpeat Nteps 3 (figuro 3) and 4 (figuro 4) umil the tope ii the desirni lenglh, endiłłg and adding thtead (BjtK.ii as nccdcd. łn the putplc and green necklaces, p. 32. this portion of ilu- beadwork t» about 8 in. |20 cm).

[«] Toswifch to tubular berringhone (Bosk$) for ihe straicht centci tubę, pick up two As skip the ncxt up-bead. and scw through the foltowing up-bead (ptioio a). Osiąg As ot Bs. rcpeai around three limes, and step up rhmugh ihe first A adełed 111 tłus round,

[7J Work in tubular herringbone (photo b) for l-IV> in, i2.<-V8 tmSet rhc ropc aside.

(8]    Repcat step* 1-7 to make a second mpc. If you wam the spiral to go in the oppositc dircctson, stitch counter clockwite instrad of cłockwisc lor vi$c ver«, depending upon which way *ou stitchcd thr first ropę i.

(9]    Se w the two herringhonc scction* oł the mpes togetlirr with one nf the chreads, fołlowing a hcrriogbonc thread path. End the working thread from hotb ropes.

(10]    Lhing the taił ar one end of rhc necklace, Work in decreasiug peyote

■ Bawcs.i until thcrc are four 1 1‘n in the round. Sew througb the four I l’s in rhc finał touitd. and cud tlve threaj. Repcat at the other ctsd.


necklace 19 In, (48 cm)

•    ie n (41 cm> strjr0 6 mm hstfnwatsr poatts or paaii en ca

•    80-100 assortol3 r., rm , ►ui 1 and gotneter/o cccori oows

•    143rmi pcorfc

•    ,10g 11" *wd bowfcir o?.--! cl 2 ootots: A. B

•    2 g 15'-' ssuo ouajc eder A cr B

•    rirrtne 6 b. tesf <r Rower Pm 'Ob JflSl

•    g nojcloi. »I2

wewBaoclflndBancncom Ap»il20l0 43


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