Lesson5 p156
10. Talvez isto seja o que quer.
Perhaps this is what you want.
11. Depende do preęo.
That depends on the price.
12. Este custa oito cnizeiros (escudos (§)).
This one is eight cruzeiros (escudos).
13. Gosto mais do que do outro.
I like it better than the other one.
14. £ mais barato.
It’s cheaper.
15. E &ste outro, ć mais barato ou mais caro?
Ho w about this one; is it cheaper or morę expen-
16. £ mais caro.
It’s morę expensive.
17. Nao tern mais alguma coisa em estoque (em ex-istencia 0)?
Haven’t you anything ełse in stock?
18. Em breve espero receber novos estiłos.
(Espero receber em breve novos modelos. (P))
I’m hoping to receive some new styles soon.
19. Para quando?
How soon?
20. De urn dia para o outro. Pode passar (por aqui) Id pelo firn da semana?
Any day now. Can you drop in to war d the end of the week?
21. Posso.... E qual ć o preęo disto?
Yes, I can. . . . What’s the price of this?
22. Cinco cruzeiros (escudos (0) o par.
Five cruzeiros (escudos) a pair.
23. Quero uma duzia.
I’d like to have a dozen.
24. Quer levar consigo?
Will you take them with you?
25. Prefiro1 que os envie.
Td rather have you send them.
26. O endereęo ć o mesmo de sempre?
Is the address still the same?
27. O mesmo. The same.
Atć logo.
Passe bem.
Title: Compras “Purchases.”2
\3Quańto custa isto? (“How much does this cost?”). How much is this? You can also say: Quanto e? How much is it? Por ąuanto se vende isto? (“At, or for how much is this sold?”) How much is this? Por ąuanto se vendem os łimoes? (“For how
Prefiro is from preferir, a radical-changing verb. See gram-mar summary section 41, part III.
Words in quotation marks are literał translations.
N um bers refer to the sentences above.
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