k. with parts of the body and articles of clothing instead of the possessive form:
O menino lavou The boy washed his
as maos. hands.
Ela perdeu as luvas. She lost her gloves.
Masculine |
um |
uns |
Feminine |
uma |
umas |
urn homem |
a man | |
uma mulher |
a woman | |
uns homens |
some (a few) men |
umas mułheres some (a few) women
1. The indefinite article is omitted:
a. before a noun of occupation, nationality, etc., coming after the verb, especially if the noun is not modified:
Ele e capitao. He is a captain.
Ela e aluna. She is a student.
b. before cem a hundred, and mil a thousand:
cem entrevistas a hundred intemews
mil esperanęas a thousand hopes
c. in certain expressions:
Ele saiu sem chapeu. He left without a hat.
1. de + o — do de+os—dos of the, from the de+ a = da de + as = das
a+o — ao a+os=aos to the a + a = a a + as—ds
em+o — no em + os—nos in the, on the em + a — na em + as — nas
do menino |
dos meninos |
of the boy, of the boys |
da menina |
das meninas |
of the girls, of the girls |
ao menino |
aos meninos |
to the boy, to the boys |
a menina |
as meninas |
to the girl, to the girls |
no lago |
nos logos |
in (on) the lakę, in the lakes |
na pdtria |
nas pdtrias |
in the fatherland, in the fatherlands |
2. Contractions of de and em with the indefinite article (um and its other forms) are optional, both contracted and noncontracted forms being used:
de um artigo or of an article
dum artigo
de uma arvore or of a tree
duma drvore
em umas aldeias or in some villages numasaldeias