3, The cedilla (cedilha) is used with c (ę) when it is pronounced s before af o, or u:
pedaęo piece, bit
4. Written accent marks are used to indicate the stressed syllable in words not following the regu-lar rules (see GS3).1 They also help distinguish between words spelled alike but with different meanings and between different forms of the same verb:
por to put por for, by
pode he was able, could pode he is able, can
If one of the words is a form of the verb, often the first singular of the present indicative, it usu-ally has an open vowel in the stem and the other word, often a noun, a closed vowel; Brazil uses an accent mark on the second form, but Portugal does not:
gosto I like gósto (gosło ©) taste
The circumflex accent (acento circunflexo) (*) is used over stressed closed e and o; the acute accent (acento agudo) (') is used over stressed open a} e, and o:
para it stops para for, to
avó grandfather avó grandmother
celebre famous fe faith
The acute accent is used over stressed i or u which do not combine with the preceding vowel:
pais country pais parents
saude health saida departure
The grave accent (acento grave) (') replaces the acute accent in longer derived forms:
cafe coffee cafezinho smali cup of
coffee (usually black)
The grave accent indicates a combination of a and a word beginning with a (demonstratives, as aąueleetc.) or with the definite articłe a:
aqueles to those a to the
1. A single consonant goes with the following vowel:
a-fi-nal finally
2. Two consonants usually Split:
in-ter-rom-per to interrupt
a. ch, Ih, nh do not Split:
bor-ra-cha rubber, eraser
o-re-lha ear
so-nhar to dream
3. Two vowels which are pronounced separately are split:
widów to fali
Refers to section 3 of the grammar summary.