Nao me escreva mais. Eles decidiram que nos mandariam o dinheiro.
Onde o vimos?
Dorft write me any morę. They decided that they would send us the money.
Where did we see him?
4. If two object pronouns, one direct and the otherj indirect, are used as objects of the same verb the indirect comes before the direct object. Thisi would cause the foliowing contractions:
me+o, a, os, as=mo, ma, mos, mas (te+o, a, os, as=to, ta, tos, tas)
Ihe+o, a, os, as~iho, lim, lhos, Ihas
nos + o, a, os, as=no-lo, no~la, no-los, no-las (vos+o, a, os, as — vo-ło, vo-la, vo~los, vo-las) łhes + o, a, os, as—lho, łha, lhos, Ihas
Notę: These contractions are usualły avoided:
a. By using the prepositional form for the indirect object:
Eu lho dei. I gave it to him.
Eu o dei a ele. I gave it to him.
b. In conversation, espedally in Brazil, by some-, times omitting the direct object pronoun:
Eu Ihe dei. I gave (it) to him.
Eu dei a ele, I gave (it) to him.
5. If a direct object pronoun comes after a verb form ending in r, s, or z, this last letter is dropped and l is prefixed to the direct object form:
źle je-lo. He did it. (The verb is
fiz1 from fazer.)
Ela vai comprd-los. She is going to buy them.
(The verb is comprar and the pronoun is oj.)
Notę: In conversation these combinations, ex-cept after an infinitive, are avoided:
Źle o fiz. He did it.
If a direct object pronoun comes after a verb form which ends in a nasal sound (a vowel plus m\ n is prefixed to the object pronoun:.
Źles abandonaram-no. They abandoned him.
Notę: These combinations are also avoided in conversation:
a. by placing the pronoun before the verb:
źles o abandonaram. They abandoned him.
b. by omitting the pronoun, if the meaning is elear (reference just having been madę to the object, for example):
Źles abandonaram. They abandoned (him).
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