Ela nos viu (viu-nos (j*)).
Escrevi urna carta. Choveu todo o dia, Ficaram la dois meses.
She saw us.
I wrote a letter.
It rained all day.
They stayed there two months.
5. The present perfect:
The present perfect is formed with the present tense of ter (or haver) and the past participle of the main verb. It is used with a condition, or a continuous or repeated action, linked to the present (it is not used as much as is the present perfect in Engiish):
Tenho (hei) aprendido I have learned (been muito. leaming) very much.
6. The pluperfect:
The pluperfect is formed with the imperfect of ter (or haver) and the past participle of the main verb. It translates “had” and the past participle in Engiish:
Quando eu cheguei, When I arrived, he had ele ja tinha partido. already left.
7. The futurę perfect:
The futurę perfect is formed with the futurę of ter (or haver) and the past participle of the main verb:
Quando eu chegar, When I arrive, he will
ele ja tera partido. already have left.
Sometimes it indicates probability:
£les ja terno chegado. They have probably
already arrived.
Notę: Today the verb ter is much morę com-monly used than haver to form the perfect tenses.
The tenses given in section 30 are calied tenses of the indicative. There is another set of tenses for the subjunctive. The latter indicates a certain attitude toward the statement madę—uncer-tainty, desire, emotion, etc. AIthough it is used as the main verb for commands, most of the uses of the subjunctive are as a secondary verb in subordinate clauses when the statement is unreal, doubtful, indefinite, subject to some condition, or is affected by will, emotion, etc.
1. Forms
a. The subjunctive endings of the second and third conjugations are the same.
b. The present subjunctive is formed by adding the subjunctive endings to the stem of the first person singular, present indicative; the im-perfect and futurę subjunctive, by removing the ending -ram of the third person plural of the preterit and adding the proper endings.
The subjunctive endings are as follows: Conjugation I
pres. subj.: -e, -es, -e, -emos, -eis, -em imperf. subj.: -sse, -sses, -sse, -ssemos, -sseis, -ssem futurę subj.: -r, -res, -r, -rmos, -rdes; -rem