Summary p260
la (acold) |
there (morę remote) |
adiante |
. forward, ahead |
atrds |
behind |
dentro |
inside |
fora |
outside |
debaixo (x = sh) |
below, down |
perto |
near |
longe |
far |
abaixo (x=sh) |
below, under |
acima |
above |
dverbs of ąuantity: |
muito |
very, much |
pouco |
little |
mais |
morę |
me nos |
less |
ąuanto |
how much |
tao |
so |
tanio |
so much |
de mais, muito |
too much |
só, sómente |
only |
apenas |
only |
ąuase |
almost |
bastante |
enough |
dverbs expressing affirmation: |
sim |
yes |
tambem |
also |
verdadeiramente |
truły |
certamente |
truły, certainly |
claro |
certainly, of course |
pois nao! |
certainly, of course |
8. Adverbs expressing negation:
nao nunca ja nao ainda nao nem
nem... nem
no, not never
no longer, not now
not yet
neither ... nor
“Herc” and “there”:
Aąui “here” refers to something near the speaker.
At “there” refers to something near the person spoken to.
Cd “here” expresses motion toward the speaker.
Ali “there” refers to something away from the speaker and from the person spoken to.
La (acola) “there” refers to something morę re-mote.
See CM section 31, Lessons 13 and 14, for ex-amples.
1. Certain endings, such as inho, ote, ete, and ilho imply smallness, daintiness, or even affection:
urn pouco a little
um pouąuinho a little bit
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