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ENGINE: Model 30M-— Bure Sb mm . stroke.
85.62 mm.. ca padły 499 c.c .Model 40M—Borę 76 nun., .trokc 76.7 mm., c-ipacjis 348 c.c.
Cylinder Barrei and Head hgftt ailoy. Twm <» cnirohaft calvc operntion. 1 orged light nlloy piston. rorped Ml’ scction Steel amnccung rod with rollcr bcuring big ciul. Mugncwim nlioy crankcuśc. Luciu lotaimą magnet mncrcin. Amal T.T, type carbuiclicr with wvir lypetloat chamber TRANSMISSION: Primary Cham i'y305‘
Rcar Chain }* ' 1*. Lubrication lo primary chain b\ .*’• feed from Iranie loop rcccrvoir. Four speed •‘Norton" geat lx.ix with remotcly mounted poijtive foot operat ion.
R ATIOS: Modd 30M with 23T engine iprockcl-4 23.1. 1 65:1. 5 63:1. 7-52:1. Modę’ 40M with 191 cogincsprockct—3’ 12:1.3^64;1.6'H1: 1,9-11 :l 3 pUte ciutcn with 1 crodo fnction dit-cs FRANIE: Patented duplcx loop tubulnr eon-struci ioa with cross-ov«i lube. on cteentig tiead. Ali joint* bronce wcldcd Swinging arm. phosphor brom* biithed, mounted on sieci pivots Oil damped smpcimon. Norton tclcscopic “ ROAD* IIOIDFR" forki
WlIEELS: Ailoy Rirm, magnesium hubs front and rcar Brakes 8' dni front. 7’ dia. rcar Front ribbcd 3 00' \y. rcar studded J.50' 19’. Light ailoy rubbet mounted niuttg utudguaid.-..
TANKS: Light ailoy pctrol tank huving capacity ol 5 jullons. sccurcd by "Ouick Rclcasc" central strap. Light ollov od tank, capacity 7ł pints.qu>ck action lillet caps
REV. COUNTER: Smith* 9.000 r.p.m. magnetic rcv. countcr fltted on head ług, drm*n by cum bon bcvcl slłitll CMcnsion.
OTHEK EOLIPMENI : Sponec iubl*cr tucmg •cal with back rwt. Wirc gaure fly screen. Koenig nuinbcr plalcs. Megaphunc exh,m\t.
Speciticanm lul-iect i«> ahcrtUkm wilhout Wilce