


EACH of thc following cxcrciscs may 1* madę morc difficult by performing thc harder dcgrcc« dcscribcci. Ir mmt ł>c emphasized thar ON NO ACCOUNT Mu ST A PUPIL PROCKĘ D TO A MORĘ DIFFICULT DECREE OF ANY KXERCISE UNTIL HE HAS COM PLETELY MASTERED THE EASIER FORM Whcrc the advanccd dcgrcc conróti of thc Banie tnovcmcm hut au incrcaacd weight. each tiinc thc wcight U inercascd the ncw wcight fhould lic uscd for nt Icast thrcc wcck* bcforc it i» inercascd again. Whcrc thc ndvanccd dcgrcc consist* of a different or modified niovcmcnt, thc easicr movcinem musi lic nerformed cflkicntly for at leasr «ix wcck* bcforc advancing. Progression in thi* Lubien shnuld be cominucd for a period of six months. Unless otherwise stated brcatbing should always be steady ihroughout thc cxcrcisc. TUK ISRKATH SHOULD NEVER BE HfcLD.

The wholc senes of cxcrcises need not necessarily be performed during each work-out period but thc cmnplctc senes ahould be performed on at leaśt two dav$ per wcck, and then in tne order as numbered.

Do not try to hurry thc coursc and remember that to <xcrcist regułarly and conucientiously will firodtice quickcr and morc gratifying rcsults than sf>asmodic bursts of ovcr-cxertion.


Ac ehe completion of thc Course dctach thi* report and ncnd it to "SCIENT1FIC BODYCULTURE." 60 GT l>ORTLAND STKEET. LONDON. W. 1. for frcc pcrtonal advicc and enneum.

Name......... ................................................... Age..................

A ddress    ...........................................................................

End of 2 months

End of 4 months

End of 6 months




Chest tconcraccedi

.. <cxpandcd‘



FIexcd Upper Arm iL )

„ - , iR'

Forearm (L.)

.. (R i

Thigh (R.)

.. iL)

Calf (R-l

.. (L)

Any additional detads about generał condition <all Information treated in stnee confidcnceł


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