imrTr— Reguiation of Blood Prcssure
Response to Increased Blood Yolume and Pressure
Responsc lo Decreased Blood Volume and Pressure
tftimulates renin secretion and decreases NaCI exc/etion)
J. Perkins
Figurę 4.20 Lonc-Term Response to Changes in Blood Volume and Pressure-
•\ hen blood volumc (and pressure) changes, the kidneys respond by the adrenal mcdulla will be stimulated (not shown). These circulating
•-her retaining NaCI and waier or excrcting NaCI and water in order catecholamines will also act on the kidncy to reduce NaCI excretion.
restore blood volume to its normal value. With increased sympa-netic nerve activity, norepinephrine and opinephrine secretion by