Creative Doughcraft6
Cut a 13mm (!4in) square of thinly rolled out dough to make the patch, and join it to the trousers. Make some holes around the patch with the end of a cocktail stick.
Roli a smali finger-sizea ropę of dough about 64mm (2l^in) iong. Cut this length in half to make the arms. Join the arms to the body. Cut two lengths of string and wrap them around the wnsts.
To make the waistcoat roli out some dough about 6mm (tfin) thick and cut two 25 x 50mm (1 x 2in) rectangles. Press these two pieces on a scrap of fabric, then peel them off, leaving a textured pattern. Snip around the lower edges and the armholes and join the two pieces to the body.
Roli a large marble-size bali of dough for the head and join it to the body. Make the eyes and mouth with the end of a cocktail stick. Make a nose from a smali triangle of dough.
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