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Figurę 7.31 Overview of Liver Function-
The liver serves a number of important functions, induding storage of important products and energy sources (e.g., glycogen, lat. pro tein, and yitamins), production of cellular fuds <e.g., glucose, tafty acids, and keto acids), production of plasma protein* and clotting faclors, metabolism of toxins and drugs, the excretion of substances tc.g., bilirubin), and the production of bile acids. The Kupffer cells
phagocytose forcign materials that cross the wali of the Gl tract and enter the portal circulation. Cells of the mononudear phagocytic system (MPS), both in the liver (i.e., Kupffer cells) and throughout the body phagocytose damaged red blood cells. Bilirubin is a product of hemoglobin degradation, and it excretcd by the liver in the bile (see Figurę 7.32).
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