Captain Marvel
Captain Universe
■ enabiad Gfms io «y inrougn I ».*¥ spoco wttiout cxygon I lorprotaction
SxVw Surfer Annoai #6
FIRST APPEARANCE '.'icronaut* #6 tAogust 1979)
REAL NAME Var>ou*. nckjdng R*y and Stov« Coffio. Monty Wał*h OCCUPATION 'A appi»:*C«: BASE MoW*
HEIGHT Vanous WEIGHT Utfiout EYES Vanous HAIR UtftMtt SPECIAL POWERS/ABR.ITIES Captain Urwana » ary parson •ndowad wiih tha Um-Poww. abttiet mcSod* aupantrangth, ftght. and at*Wy to altar ar. otęact'i moia&Mt *roctura.
Following the tragic dcath from caucer ot the Kree warrior CaWAjN Mar-Vi i i. his Iovcr Elysius. an L. i frn.m of Titan. used scłl samples taken from his body to t onenw a son she named Gems-N/eB. To help krep the child safc from harm.Titanian science accelerated Gcnis-Vells aging so that he rapidly reachcd maturity. As soon as he dćcowrcd his hemie lineage, Gcnis-Vełl donned his fathers nega-bands and bet aino an advctu«rer. fittmgiy callcd Legacy. Goms-
Kroe Nega-banc*! conłer wjperhunan itrongth and durab*ty. the abftty to »y. tlw power to prcfect concuwvo *r*rrjy fctasts. GtrM-Wai ix**es»es 'codfTMC awaroneas’. aloMno han to parcafce coamc threalR or dangors
Afcerbottfcng Al*a. Gero abaortwJ tłu* Kr»n«oa-boro# i.thnwn on his wnsM m*of-»6body
Mornca Rarnt mb known %n* as Coptam Marvrt and toon Photon. Wwn Gatw took ttw nnme Fhoton (ngnt). RjmtoOBu tiAraoi Piiear
FIRST APPEARANCE Fanłastic Four #177 iDacambar 1976
REAL NAME Grrfhn Gogol
OCCUPATION Stand-up com«<*an. format plumber
BASE Ctacago. Ufcrto« HEIGHT 5 fi 11 « WEIGHT 175 R»
EYES Unknown HAIR Unknown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES 'tapfan Ultra » aupartwmanly strong and durabł*. and can ffy, ałso nas a graat tenaa cA humor
Vell latcr adopccd his fathefs namc. "Captain Marvd.”
In order to save the life of his fathers long-time friend Rick Jones, the ncw C'aptum Manrcls atomie structure was honded to his.This nieant that whenever Captain Marvel was in the Earth dimemion, Rick Jones was cast into a microYcrsc, and vice vcrsa.
In mcntal contact with cach other,Jones acted as Genis-YeUs advisor.
The Broken Bond
Cenis-Vell subscquently went insanc and helped the conccptual beings Entropy and Epiphany to destroy the unncrsc. I lowever, Gcnis then triggered a ncw "Big Bang." reereating the cosmos Once morę insane. Gcnis bccame a menace to the umverse. Llysius and anotherTitan, Eros, sueeessfully returned Genis to sanity.Thc bonding between Jones and Genis was undonc. allowing them to exist on Earth separatch.
After Atlas beat Gcnis nearły to death. Baron Zi Mt> unlized moonstones to help Gcnis heal his body. Cienis took the namc Plioton and joined the Tm sinERBoi is. Zcmo learned that the moonstones* cffect on Gcnis wtuild the umverses destruction. Zcmo therefore killed Gcnis and seattered his body through the Darkforcc Dimension.
The namc "Captain Marwl” was briefly used by Phyla-Vell,
Cienis s sister. who had bcen similarly ereated bv Elwius
The Um-Powcr is cncrgy emaiuting from the Microvcrsc that appears as a ciot of cncrgy. Uni-Power bestows upon an individual the powers aiul knowlcdgc of Captain Uniwrsc. as well as a special costume.
The Uni-Power only stays with an individual for a short period before moving on.The transfer from one person to the ncxt is almost instantaneous— the cosmos is nevcr wuhout a Captain
Uniserse In retem years. the niight of the Uni-Power has bcen borne by cx-astronauts, cat buiglars and individuals as notable as Bruce Banner ($tr I lut k) and l)tx h>r Stranc;f. AD
Captain Ultra
Captain Ultra began his superhuman carecr as a would-be supcr-s illain, who hoped to join the Frigiiiiui Four.The Four were impressed by lus strength, but not by his vulnerability—he passed out in the presence ofany open flamc. His bid rejectcd, C 'aptain Ultra went into therapy with IXx Samson, the psychiatrist, who helped him to owreome his aversion to fire.This didift improve Captain Ultra s fortunes as a horo. but it did gi\e him the confidcncc to uiovc into a ncw linc of work—as a stand-up comedian. tb