84224 The Knitters Bible2

84224 The Knitters Bible2


Fulling makcs a dcnscr knitted fabric (sec pagc 60), which makcs it ideał for these scentcd sachcts and coat hanger covcr. The attractive gingham pattem and the heart moiif worked from a chart front the motif library (page 156) both use the fair isle method of stranding yarns (sec pagc 38).

Envclope sachet about -lin (lOcm) $quare

Hcari sachet about 4in (lOin) $quare

Hanger cover 2in (5cm) wide by Min (35.5cm) long

you will need


Sport (4pły) weight shetland wool yam (I29yd/I I8m per bali)

I x I oz/25g bali each in colours:

A cream B lilac C purple

Lavender or similar to fili heart and envelope sachets

Envelope sachet: button. fabric for sachet 4in x 8in (I Ocm x 20cm)

Coat hanger cover: wadding


Size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles

Gauge (Tension)

Bcfore fulling: 30 sts and 30 rows to 4in (I Ocm) measured over gingham pattem on size 3 (3.25mm/UKIO) needles After fulling: 38 sts and 38 rows to «4m (10 cm) measured over gingham pattem


Using size 3 (3.25mm/UKlO) needles and C. cast on 26 sls and werk 4 rows in si si. beg wilh a k row.


Work from ihe chan givcn on pagc ISO

of ihe Moiif lihrary.

Next row K5. work 16 sls of firsi row of chan from right lo lefi. k lo cnd.

Ncxt row P5. work 16 sls of 2nd row of chart from lefi lo right. p lo end.

Coni as sei umil ihe I4lh row of chart has been compleled.

Work 80 rows in sl sl.

Bind (cast) off looscly.


Hic piece is fullcd umil ii measures approximatcly 4in (lOcm) wide. Sieam press fiat.


Place markers lo divide Ihe lenglh inio ihree seclions. making ihe heart moiif end lin (2.5cm) shorter ilian the other iwo seclions. Fold ihe opposile end lo ihe heart moiif up al the marker and join lite sicie seants lo fonu an cnvelope. l:old ihe heart moiif flap over. Make a 2in (Scm) Iwisied cord (sec page 77) using iwo strands of puq>le wool. Sew on bulion. Make a smali hag lo contain lite lascndcr by folding lite fabric in half and joining ihe side scams. I-ill wilh lavender and sew ihe lop closcd. Pul lavemler sachet into envelopc.


(MAKE 2)

This is worked from the top down. Ihe Iwo lop seclions are worked scparaicly. llten joined lo coniinue ihe heart sliapc. Carry yam noi in use looscly up the edge. llse ihe fair isle mctltod of stranding. FIRST SECTION

Using size 3 (3.25mm/UKlO) needles and A. easi on 6 sls.

• Row I (KS) K2B. k2A. k2B.

Row 2 Using A. cast on and p 2 sts. p2B. p2A. p2B. 8 sls.

Row 3 Using B. easi on and k 2 sls. k2C. k2B. k2C. k2B. 10 sls.

Row 4 Using B. p into front and back of ftrsl sl. plB. p2C. p2B. p2C. plB. using B. p into front and back oflast sl. 12 sls. Row 5 Using B. k inio front and back of ftrsl sl. (k2A. k2B) lwice. k2A. using B. k inio front and back oflast sl. 14 sls.

Row 6 Using B. p inio front and back of llrsi sl. plB. (p2A. p2B) lwice. p2A. plB. using B. p inio front and hack of łasi sl. 16 sls. *

Cul yarns and push these 16 sts lo ihe cnd of ihe needle.


Using A. cast on 6 sls on lo ihe same

needle and work from * lo \

Row 7 KIR. (k2C. k2B) 7 limes (working across firsi section as well). k2C. klB. 32 sts. Row 8 Using B. p inio front and hack of lirst sl. (p2C. p2B) 7 limes. p2C. using B. p into from and back of łasi si. 34 sts. Row 9 K2A. * k2B. k2A: rep from * lo end. Row 10 P2A. * p2B. p2A: rx*|» from * lo cnd. Row 11 K2B. * k2C. k2B: rep from * lo end. Row 12 P2U. * p2C. p2B: a*p front * lo end. These 4 rows form the gingham chcck pall. Rep these 4 rows oncc morę.

Kccping gingham pall correct as set. dcc I si al each end of ncxt and foli 2 alt rows. llten al each etui of every foli row lo 2 sls. Bind (cast) off looscly.


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