indicate the starting pointa, a circle o stands for the targaj p0^,t an(i arrows mark the direction of glide.
Fig. 34. English |d, ai, oi]
§ 48. Although similar to Polish aj, and often so transcr^ńbed. Englidi [ai] (1) has the English short [i], and not Polish j, as the tae tar„et element,
(2) the transition (vowel glide) from [a] to [i] is gradual a.j an(j 8[ow am|
(3) while shifting from the poeition of [a] to the po6itio.ition 0£ jjj tJie tongue stops about half-way. approximately at the height of t 0f without reaching the position of English [i], let alone Polish i or j. j
In a word-final position and before voiced consonants [ai] ^ rat},er
I, hi, my, ery, try, sky, fly, shy, dry, spy, die, lie, tie, pie, five fiye me
drive, time, dime, smile, ride, side, wide, rise, wiat, fine, nine
“i] is considerablj
lcht, ice, twice, nic*,
Notę 1. In the position before yoicele® consonants [ai] short er:
bite, quite, site, white, write, light, night, right, knight, fight, mice, wife, life, knife, pipę, wipe, type, like, bike, strike
Compare the pairs:
side |
ate |
bride |
bright |
wi*e |
twice |
wide |
white |
strive |
strife |
bribe |
ripe |
ride |
write |
prize |
price |
tribe |
type |
rise |
rice |
ride |
right |
sze |
mce |
five |
fife |
tide |
tight |
bed |
bght |
Note 2. In longer words [ai] is shorter than in monosyllabic words.
Compare the pairs:
ride rider write writer mile miler
wwe |
wiser |
bright |
brighter |
linę |
liner |
ilrl*e |
driver |
fight |
fighter |
minę |
miner |
wille |
wider |
nice |
ni cer |
dine |
diner |
llilr |
tldy |
might |
mighty |
shine |
ahiny |
W Inn |
winy |
ice |
icy |
spice |
apicy | 8. In the position before [9] the target element [i] is even furtlier MllllUml, »o that instead of [ais] there is [aa], which in tum is often h h IIi .I to a long front [a:]:
Dr*, tire, shire, mirę, wire, admire, tyre, flier
b. Diphlhong [ei|
I Th In iliphthong is similar to Polish ej, and occasionally so transcribed,
Inn (I} Ihc starting point should be the English [e], Le. a vowel morę limu mul higher than Polish e, (2) the target point is English [i], and ||l| 1'ullnli i or j, (3) the target element should not be reached, especially MiMł I cl I ulands in word-finał position.
flnul position and before voiced consonants, [ei] is quite long:
May, play, stay, way, say, gay, hay, day, pray, gray, tray, neigh, eight, grey Matur, ramę, gamę, same, shame, pale, sale, tale, Jane, piane, madę, shade
MM .......... mail, rain, train, Spain, chain, claim, maid, praise, raise
'1"l* I Ihdorr voiceless consonants [ei] is shorter:
lapr. safr, rakc, bakę, take, lakę, make, sake, snake, datę, gate, late, piąte, pini e, face, race. Grace,hastę
■ ł»'l« pate paid eight aid ratę raid safe save
tnosyllabic words:
|(i III lliltger words [ei] is shorter than it ■Ml? Itakę haker take taken
Ully aafc safer shake shaken
Utti palni painter fate fatal
_ sailor make maker
«...... |i*l| mIhmlii Im*, cleady differentiated from [e]:
leli lale |
let |
late | |
Min |
llimt main |
yeD |
Yale |
liali |
linii li nil |
seD |
sale |
IHNll |
wnl wail |
bed |
bade |