29 (641)

29 (641)


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■. i.-e many occasions which cali for a card hand-ii with love - the birth of a baby, a christening, c.-.gs, First Communions, wedding anniversaries rereavements. Here are some ideas for you.

</ rrs/'>


:.k greetings card

'mm (‘/ićin) or 3mm ('/sin) ąuilling papcr

~ree embroidery beads or pearls and all-purpose glue



I have used 1.5mm (Vi6in) paper for this design, but you can of course use 3mm (‘/sin) paper. I have also used pearls which I bought from an embroiden7 shop for the three flower centres, but you could use pegs instead. The top and bottom layers of the Flowers use the same shapes but, for greater impact, I have used rwo shades of the same colour for each flower. You will need to quill the following:

FLOWERS - twenty-four one-sixth-strip eye shapes - twelve one-sixth-strip teardrop shapes Flower centres - three beads or pearls, or three one-eighth-strip pegs



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