SIZE: 4 1/2” in diamcier. MATERIALS : Knitting

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(magic crochet)









weight yam, smali amount cuch : tur-ąuoisc (T). black (B) and ro.sc (R>. or any color combination of your choicc. Aluminum crochet hook si/e F. Tapesiry nccdlc.

TO MAKE: With B ch 9 and join to form ring. Rud l: In ring work 18 dc (3 ch coum as first dc throughout); dose with sl sl in top of ch-3. Rud 2 : Work in dc. inc as per diagram -30 dc: dose as in rnd I and cut yarn. Rud 3 : Ch 1 to beg cach sc rnd throughout. With T work 30 sc; elose all sc rnds with sl st in first sc. Cul yarn. Rnd •/ : 36 dc with B; elose as in rnd 1. Cut yam. Rnd 5 :36 sc with R. Cut yarn. Rnd 6 : With B. inc as per diagram -48 sc. Cut yarn. Rnd 7: With T work 48 sc. do not cut yarn. ch 15 and elose with sl st in first scfloop formed). Fasten ofl'. With R and tapestry nccdlc. embroider 12 V's on rnd 4. using straight stiteh.


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