65c 2

65c 2

NEW (0(1969


Ughlning Rockel

New type car-grourra iji^on*

New ift1pfoved oili-iy system

New -.Ce pnnrfe wi:h rew naae of remDval.

New Stsenng heatl loch.

New improvrd gr.ir-rh.inpr mncnanisiri.

New chrome plaied iwin sir sleeners witn carbumtcts in <ull vi»w New. camrorr Milighr .inr I r.nsu plale asseinhly New gee> ranos łoi 1s&: yeisw&w New serii yalancrd rear fencłcr.

Super powered 650 iwin dual carbureiors, racing camshafi, c>i speed equipmeni

(tawm (M-Asw^rtr Anrf maj.Mf/c i.cc^ws.r*-.- ■>» t i’u A i f.\r. a Him*.

SUSPENSION: 3SA hydiejiiully-:.. iiIIt

rio-i. ruri a vk4 hi* (iiiiiiiu iiw>i. cc:r -aal nddmg. ii*v WhMl i: rcui-tcd o 1 iwiiiyiiiu Iciy Aicn I»4u« ..(M-lii.ii-.aH *J*rel ?pnng I."'W

ENGINE: USA unit Trpc cnalnc-niJiLoi Aid. ulu Ko»v teartng:. ivciyl;dL''ui- «Imh liuril r.t»nMli^Ł ru'> acwjit nilnędiyłgmpj. n-j.y ta:* pyllndo Land. ale-/ Hmiu’ Hh.ii woli cvci:ii£-j vilv.i, d-.l uwtuiiMiiiiK as»i (iigtt pen:.

Iwin X' pl*»ni>it. Hijh comprctticn p.«jns. racmj yal.s sc-itui. aec spcciy 1ull.ie:<i cimderi H«n «!lii:»<m:y i»wn manier:.

TRANSMISBION: MulliiiW.nrw nfw frm*iy pnjin r.“« »n !H IIJN Hpfr/y duty mulllpl: OK ClulCh. Idui iftICiI sua-tiiu. wen pesiliv: iicp liii ŁVl Ih.hi. FhimI liny* liy fpll*r ch»'1 wrth p«jiIhH chnn 9115M Gcy rano: m Spec nca*a-a. Pauc IC

FRAME : RAA Ctiiiljfe Tuy- f/»cic lypj. L13M. VK f>UCi»Cl, pacng. siand and c:ivwi iiand «■« Hiu.il.

SlCki O IihIU *«* linh Hirte. hiu. ł*e4l a'.    rop|rc:t:

WHEEL5 El BRAKE3 Ru»i:ul "Cr-rf SMr*’ Miiina Hinkiłi aih mi.iimiii.Iv PuwhiIiiI. y.i Bin-oih ir jęiipn. Kp:r \vhc:l ha: r»:c <»:*rg ej cfcif owęnjtei l«MU'C

ELEcTnlCAL: jnrtan it tgherc Z JitK jus-ia cd Jt pcwc-W AC.

gcnoaidl. 7* duniMiM* »v..i:i ItMftHillHl. .mn* -*11.311! ywilki r*dHi::ilł. 7#i -ni! (ih ih*v .-nio" *ur.n puji j-pjRtr poinii lor • ax."^in a(*fiv^v ani e«y «a ling. luftiiian mm.

( INiSh : M«i!iiip wd psnk wr.h chicm* p;-<l:. w <iv. red sadg*:. uo amclp mcullc red. F*.- iiui* »I«b .-ina, lulml Ił-.H-. Irff. Illl-CmC Enaiuy :i»jm i» U|)Hv prlilhurt 'liny furrii i>Ih-1

7HSA SŁCSd Vicic-<Y

WINNEH 50 Mile National Chanipionship

SflfingfieW, III.AuO. 23 106-1


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