69 (40)

69 (40)

Ieaves. Puli off freezer paper; trim close to seam ,Glue Scaf trim along top edge ot scallop trim. eight 12" lengths ol VAv ribbon. Fold each Into a bow, Secure wlth a gathering stltch center of bow, wrap and tie thread around ter. Sew pin?: buttons to center of bows. Evenly bows along leaf trim; use craft glue co adhere to lampsnade.

(Hue I '/."w ribbon around top of shade.

■for finial. drill bole in wooden wheel to lii shade if necessary. Stack and glue wooden knob and to riser with wood glue.

Read Preparing to Paint, Painting. and Painting pis. pages 93-94. Prime, then paint finial as Apply sealer to finial łoam brush to dab pink. yellow. orange, and paint on raised areas of lamp.


'*0r each topiary you will need sbeet 4" dia. foam bali. 8" x 8" x 8" urn.

: acrylic paint. paintbrush. elear acrylic aJec Roral foam, 12" ofdia. dowe!. I yd (7k"w green grosgrain ribbon, 4 yds of 2"w cked wire-edged ribbon. twelve I '/*" dia. am buttons. twclve 7*" dia. raised nk bultoris, eight 7s" dia Hat pink ttons. eight V*" dia. yellow buttons. iłów head quilter's pins. I yd of 1 'hnw ariegated wire-ecłged ribbon. 27j yds of JV.'Vgreen wire-edged ribbon. blrd's nest with eggs ttonał). spray adhesive. hot glue gun, and Mary ilbreit border and rosę slickers.

Read Painting Designs. pages 93 94. Drybrush um iith wory Apply border and rosę stickers to the base. hen apply sealer to urn

:Cut floral foam to fit urn; hot glue in place. Use pray adhesive to adhere moss to top of um. covering heopeningand floral foam. If desired. hot glue birds test to moss near front of urn.

Wrap dowel with 7Av ribbon; hot glue ends to ecure. Insert wrapped dowel in foam bali. t Use spray adhesive to cover bali with moss. Insert Ibwel in center ol urn.

For yo-yo tlowers, cul twelve 12" lengths of 2"w ibbori Fold each ribbon in half lengthwise; puli wires o gather into a tight circle Knot to secure; fold raw •«nds under. Hot glue a cream and a raised pink button o center of each yo-yo Hot glue yo-yos to bali.

6. Wrap 1 '/i"w green ribbon on bali around yo-yos. Push a quilter’s pin through a yellow button. a fiat pink button. and ribbon to secure where needed.

7 Tie variegated ribbon In a bow at top of dowel.

Mantle Scarf

Yardages are based o»t 44/4 5"u1 fabric.

You will need IV* yds cream striped fabric. six 9" quilt squares lor turn to page 70 to make your ownl, 3 yds crochet edge trim. lighlweight fusible interfacing, and elear nylon thread.

IJsł' a '!*' sram allomnce for all smug uniess otherwise indkaied. We madę a 72“ long mantel scarf. tjou mag need to adfust the lengih of your scarf to fit your mantel I. For scarf, cut one 18" x 44" and two 18" x 16* pieces of fabric. Sew one smali piece to each short side of large piece.

2 Fuse interfacing to back of each quilt square. Press sides of each square under VV.

3.    Press top edge of scarf under /«" twice; topstitch Press one short side of scarf under '/«" lwice, topstitch. Beginning at stitched side edge. pin squares across bottom of scarf. with tops of points 11 'h. from top edge. Trim and press remaining short side under '/«" twice; topstitch.

4.    Topstitch along top pressed edges of quilt squares

5.    Pin crochet trim along bottom pressed edges of squares. use nylon thread to zigzag in place.

Covered Books

You will need books, assorted Mary Engelbren 12" x 12" scrapbook papers, assorted Mary Engelbreil stickers and border stickers. and elear self-adhesive covering.

1.    For each book cover. draw around open book on wrong side of a sheet of scrapbook paper.- cut out.

Cut a piece of self-adhesive covering the same height as cut paper. but add 3" to the length. Rernove paper backing; center nght side of paper on sticky side of sclf-adhesive covering. smooth any bubbles. Wrap paper around book. folding adhesive edges inside book covers.

2.    Cut border strips the width of spine; adhere to spine. Add desired stickers and borders to front cover and spme



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