79 (131)

79 (131)

7 : Yiral dermatoses

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Fjgwre 7:27: Histopathology - notę intranuclear inclusion bodies in the keratinocytes (herpesvirus dermatitis) (H & E,x 250)

Figurę 7.• 28: Histopathology - notę marked follicular necrosis (herpesvirus dermatitis) (H &E,x 250)

Figurę 7; 29 : Erosive lesions of the tongue and palate ofa cat with herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme (courtesy ofBA. Atlee)

Figurę 7 ; 30 : Erythematous, erosive, facial lesions in a cat suspected ofhaving herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme

Figurę 7 :31: Same cat as in figurę 7 : 30 - erosive and ulcerative lesions of the face and neck of a cat with herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme

Figurę 7 .* 32 : Same cat as in Figures 7:30,31 - erythematous, scaling and crusting lesions on the trunk of a cat suspected of having herpesvirus-associated erythema multiforme



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