The European Carter Counsellors Training Manuał is designed for career counsellors and school counsellors. It offers a training program and a curriculum package. It incorporates interactive leaming stratę* gies thac enhancc and accelerate thc acquisitions of student's self-knowledge and social skills. It contains thirty activities with tea-ching materials, handouts and resources.
Through thc secondary school level course those who provide ca-reer development serviccs can lcam how to help their clients and stu-dents with the career development process. They also increase their knowledge of career development theory, models and techniques.
The firsc section of the book provides a foundation in career co-unselling theory, including main concepts and definitions.
Tne second section of the book covers the integration process during the workshop and is designed to help students learn how to build effective working relationships.
The third section provides experiences how to discover unicue personal skills, values, interests with respect to life/work roles and student’s quality of life once they bccomc adults. It maimains and rc-inforces a positive self-concept. Students also see the effects of their educational choices on their life/work options.
The fourth section consists of components of career and voca-tional informacion and using the standard methods of elassifying occupations. Participants learn how to explore Guide for Occupa lions and realize the importance of the link between education and work.
The fifth section covers the components of students career plan-ning. It is designed to help them identify goals, obstaclcs and resources for attaining those goals. Participants learn how to assess their
situation when making an occupational choice, how to identify bar-ricrs to decision making and decision making styles.
The finał section of thc bookis devoted to helping counsellors evaluate the counselling process.
Each section consists of a theoretical introduction. The discus-sion of theories and their uses for facilitating career developrnent is designed to stimulatc and refine the knowledge and skills of career counsellors.