ANNA sum09 USA45

ANNA sum09 USA45




Colton fafcr k\60' (l^Oun)-wrk.*

•    '/q«d (.4 m) each of orange (aj. pink | b) and appłe green (c) V%yd (SS m) turquo«se |d)

•    Urge *Qu<k’ Yo Yo M»ker{C1ovw)

•    8mm gołd beadi

•    Whg thread

•    2Uyd (2J0m) gcłd tnm. W (km)-wide INSTRUCTIONS

1    Cul Iwo 20'// (S2cm) squares of rmquoise fabrk

cleao-ftr rsh cut edges

2    Pm irim to nght side of one stpare. ovcrUpping tnm ends n one corner and placing tnm edge about W (3mm) m from fabnc edges; basie. Pin and baste trim to remainng square in same manner

J wth nght sides facmg and raw edges e»en pm squares together. Słitch W (km) from all edges. oso bastmg seams. kas mg 6‘ (Wcm) openmg ałong onelongedge.

4 Tran cocners; tum rigN sde cut and press Hand-łtlkh cpcnmg ciosod

$ Topstitch table toppo about W (7mm) from edge

6    Rełer to Bask Yo-Yo Directons. page 46. to make K) orange. 9 pmk and 9 apple green yo-yov

7    Ar rangę yo-yos as shown on dtagr«n on center pattem insert, side B. Hand- Kkch yoyos together ssłsere ihe edges tooch. With nght s«ks up. place each yo->o group on corner of tabk toppo. plac mg center yo-yo in center of seam Hand stitch yo-yos to fabrir. stitrhng undemeath edges to stirhmg isnt riubeon front.


Skill l«v«l łntemsediate

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS About 3U'/8cm-orcunference x lV)V4cm-wide. fkwer about PA'/4.Sem-diameter MATERIALS

•    Oso lock thread 2 spools m medium cranberry I spool coral

•    Gołd metaIŁc crocho thread No. K)

•    SiK8(150mm)«eelcrochet *sock

• Two Smm gołd beadi NOTES

lise 2 strands of crochet thread held tog throughoul BPdc (back post d<) vo rtorkng from back to front to back. insert hook around post of mdcated stitch of speOfied row bełow. yoanddraw upa lp.[yoand dra w through 2 Ips co hoos] tvs ice.

NAPKIN RING (make 2)

With 2 stranes of medium cranberry held tog ch 4S Takng caie not to twnt ch |om with sl st to lorm a rmg Rnd 1 Ch 1, v m each ch around goin md with a sl st in first vc Rnds 2 through 10 Ct l sc m each sc around. pm md with a sl st in first sc Fasten off Top edging With RS facmg. pm 2 strands of gołd w<th sl st r same place as pming of rnd 10 Rnd 1 (RS) Ch l sc in eachsc around, pm rnd with a sl st in first sc. Fasten of f Bottom edging Turn piece over so bottom Ips of beg ch are at top. With RS facmg. pin 2 strands of gokf with a sl st m bottom Ip of any ch Rnd I (RS) Ch l sc in each bottom Ip around pm md with sl st m first sc. Fasten off Make 1 morę usmg 2 strands of coral fish

44 Anno Sum mer 2009


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