ANNA sum09 USA71

ANNA sum09 USA71


Skill levd łrtermediate

FINISHED MEA5LREMENTS Burt 36V9I.Scm Length 2S V/S43cm


Jutghans XonooF\fi‘ (kghTwe^ht pm); 100% eotton: B7yd/12Sm: l*KU/50g

•    Cołot #210 245 orange 14or/4COg. ł096yd/»00m

•    Sue E4 (3.5mm) crochet hook


Body The tower back and front belo* bod<e [body) ń rmde in one ptece to armholes Ir ronsists of three pmed rows (top. center and bottem) ol 10 large Tower rrotrfs each (JO molrfs in total) Smali filier Tower motifs are worked and jomed to fili in open areas between Urge Tower motifs Chart A The large Tower motł on the bortom ng*»t the first Urge Tower motif. The second Urge Tower motif ił to H» left. Make hrst row of motifs. wodcing from righr to lefr. joinwg tenrh morif to hrrt motif to form a mg The chart show* center row ol large Tower motifs and top row Make and pm three rows of motifs in manner mdicated on chart First large Tower motif Foli wntten órections whlle refermg to chart A. NMork rrds I through 6 Joinmg motifs Work second and every rem motif as for First motif tnrough rnd S. On md 6. pm to prewous motif with sc at points mdicated with heary arrows on chart A. To work pinrg. first remore hock from Ip. Makmg sire ihat RSof each motif is fac mg. insert hook in sc of previous motrf at mdicated port. pek up dropped Ip and puli < through. then ch L Cont rrd 6. pmmg motif to motif as imłcated Smali filier Tower motifs (B on chart A) Foli wntten drectons wWe referrng to chart K pnng smali Tower motif to large Tower motifs on md I at points mdicated by heavy and light arrows.

Bodice iMxx accordng to chart A The Itght arrows mdkate wnwe to posil on słs. Work rows I tlrcugh 4; then rep row 4 twice morę.

HaM double crochet Worked ip rows. Ol 2 counts as 1 hdc. therefeye aiways skip first st after chaimnj to mamtam correct st cosnt After armhole and/or neck shaping is compfeted and you are working evm wo k Ust hdc m top of ch-2 of presnous row.

Strap pat Work acccnJing to chart B. Rew 23 on left edge of chart indicates last row of bodce Nunbers on ńght edge of chart mdicate RS rows; numbers on

left edge of cłiart IndkJte WS rows. Work rows I through 3 orce, then rep rows 2 and 3 for pat hdc2tog [Yo, insert hook mto next st. yo and draw jp a Ip) t wice. yo and draw through all S Ips on hook dc2tog (Yo nsert hook mto st. >o ard draw up a Ip. yo and and draw through 2 Ips on hook] twce yo and &** through all J Ips on hook dc)tog [Yo. nsert hook mto st. yo and draw up a Ip. yo and and draw through 2 Ips cn hook] 3 times, yo and w through all 4 Ips on hook 2dc bobble In same st work [)©. insert hook into st. yo and draw up a Ip. yo and ard draw through 2 Ips on hook) twice. yo and draw through all 3 Ips on hook Crochet Symbol Key See page 72.


1 large Tower motrf • 4H7l2tm in diameter; 20 sts and 15 rows = 4’/10cm m hdc.


Referrmg to chart A. work first large Tower motif as foli: Ch B. pin with sl st to form a ring Rnd 1 (RS) Ch 3 (coutts as I dc) work Ib dc m rmg. pm rnd with sl st mtopofbegch 3 Rnd 2 Ch 4 (counts as I dc and chi). *dc m ne*t dc. ch l rep from * around. jom md with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4 Rnd 3 Ch 2 (counts as 1 sc). sc m neit ch-1 sp. *s< m nert dc. sc in ne*t ch-1 sp; rep from * around. join md with sl st in top of beg ch-2 Rnd 4 Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). dc2tog m hrst st-beg dc/2dc bobble madę ch i. *dc/2dc bobble over nett 2 sts, ch 3: rep łrom • aroemd. pin rnd with sl st in top of beg ch-1. Rad S Sl 4 in first 2 ch. ch 8 (enunts as 1 dr and ch-5). dc m neit ch ) Ip. ch ). *dc m neit <h-3 Ip. ch 5. dc m next ch-3 Ip. ch 3; 'ep from * around. pin md wnh sl st m 3rd ch of begch-8 Rnd 6 Sl st Ir hrst ch ch } (cousti as I dc) work 3 dc in hrst ch 5 Ip. sc m ne«t ch-3 Ip. *work 9 dc m nert ch-S Ip. sc in nciit ch-3 Ip: rep from • around. jom md with sl st in top of beg ch J. Faster off Rpfer ring to chart A cont to make and jem 9 morę Urge Tower motds for row t then cont to make and pm K) motifs each for rows 2 and i Referrmg to chart A. wort hrst smali filier Tower motif as fol: Ch 8. jom with sl st to form a rmg. Rad 1 (RS) O ) (coutts as I dc) work 2dctog in rmg. ch I. pin to Urge Tower motif m st mdicated by heavy and light arrows. ch I. *work Jdctog m ring. ch l pin to Urge Tower motif in st indrated by arrows. ch 1; rep from * arourd. pm rnd with sl st top of beg ch-3 Fasten off Bodice With RS facpg. pm yarn with sl st in pmmg sc bet any rwo Urge Tower motifs of row ] Rnd I (RS) Ch S (counts as I ttr) Itr in same place as ptnmg. cont to foli chart A around. work mg sts as mdicated by ligfit arrows. pin md with sl st m top of beg ch-S. Cont to foli chart throjgh md 4; then rep rnd 4 twice morę You will now be workmg bark and forth m rows. Tum Row 7 (WS) Ch 2 (counts as 1 hdc). work 17 hdc everły spaced across hrst motif. *work 18 hdc evenly spaced across neit U*ge Tower motif. rep from • 9 times morę-180 sts. Tum.

Right front Cont to work n hdc. shapc reck and armhole as foli: Row 8 (RS) Sl st across hrst st (neck edge). ch 2 [aiways counts as I hdc). hdc In nert 39 sts-40 sts Tum. Raw 9 Sl st across hrst 3 sts (armhole edge). ch 2. hdc m each st to Ust 2 sts—35 sts. Tum. Row 10 SI st across hrst 2 sts ch 2. hdc in each st to Ust 2 słs—31 sts. Tutn Row 11 Rep row 4-27 sts Tum Row 12 Sl st across hrst 2 sts. ch 2. hdc in each st to Ust 2 sts hdc2tog-24 sts. Tum Row 1) Ch 2. hdc2tog, hdc to Ust 2 sts-21 sts. Turn. Row 14 Rep row 6-18 sts. Tim Row IS Ch 1 hdc to Ust 2 sts—16 sts Tum. Row 16 SI tt across hrst 2 sts. hdc m each st to end-M sts. Tur Rows 17 and 18 Rep rows 15 and 16-10 srs Turn Row 19 Ch l hdc to Ust 2 sts hdt2tog-9 sts Tum Row 20 Ch 2. Mc2tog. hdc n each st to cnd-8 sts. Tur Rom 21 and 22 Fśep rows 15 and 20 -6 sts

70 Anno Summcf 2009


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